Monday 01 March 2010 7:04:50 pm
Hello, I am developing a site with ez version 3.10.0 I am trying to go through all nodes at a cronjob.php file, I have managed to loop all nodes but I have not been able to access the elements of the attributes data, this is what I have: $mynodeArray = $node->attribute( 'data_map' ); foreach ($mynodeArray as $theattribute => $v) { echo "Attribute::: $ theattribute \n"; prints: the name of the attribute, this is OK If I do a print_r($v); I get: [PersistentDataDirty] => [HTTPValue] => [Content] => [DisplayInfo] => [IsValid] => [ContentClassAttributeID] => 834 [ValidationError] => [ValidationLog] => [ContentClassAttributeIdentifier] => show_material [ContentClassAttributeCanTranslate] => [ContentClassAttributeName] => [ContentClassAttributeIsInformationCollector] => [ContentClassAttributeIsRequired] => [InputParameters] => [HasValidationError] => [DataTypeCustom] => [ID] => 64592 [ContentObjectID] => 2086 [Version] => 13 [LanguageCode] => esl-ES [LanguageID] => 2 [AttributeOriginalID] => 0 [SortKeyInt] => 1 [SortKeyString] => [DataTypeString] => ezboolean [DataText] => [DataInt] => 1 [DataFloat] => 0 How do I access the attributes elements values? e.g. show_material (belonging to ContentClassAttributeIdentifier) and so forth Thanks
Diseño Web Cuba
Web Design Cuba