Tuesday 23 January 2007 8:13:23 am
Hi, I want to offer my visitors to create Objects of a special class ("inquiry"). I do so using the "NewButton":
<form method="post" name="inquiry_form_{$node.contentobject_id}" action={"content/action/"|ezurl}>
<input type="submit" name="NewButton" value="Inquiry" class="inquirybutton" />
<input type="hidden" name="ContentNodeID" value="{$node.node_id}" />
<input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectID" value="{$node.contentobject_id}" />
<input type="hidden" name="NodeID" value="{$node.node_id}" />
<input type="hidden" name="ClassIdentifier" value="inquiry" />
In the Override-Template for the Edit form I need to display some Information about the Folder containing that will be containing the new ContentObject. But how can I get this NodeID? The POST-Variables are no longer available and in $object all node-attributes (main_node_id, parent_nodes, node_assignments etc) are NULL. After publishing the object (submitting the form) it is placed under the correct node, so the node information exists - but where? Can anyone help me please? Tanks in advance! Jonas