Glossary Operator : problem displaying links

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David Zaoui

Friday 15 June 2007 7:08:41 am

Hi everyboduy,

I have a strange issue using the glossary operator in my articles : when i add links into them in editing mode, everythinghs seems ok (they are well displayed on the input form).
But when i see them after they are published, the links aren't displayed anymore...
I tried to search the reasons of this problem and i think it comes from the glossary operator.
When i look at the source code of my page , it appears that there is a "<skip0>" tag where there should normally be a "<a href = ..>" tag.

Does anybody know this problem ?

Thank You


Fabricio Guerrero

Friday 15 June 2007 7:34:24 am


exactly as you mention.. the operator is built such way that it doesn't support links...

you'd need to get into the extension and hack it so it supports your links...

where will your links be exactly?? in the middle or with in the article? or will these always at the beggining or end of the article? <<Joomla Site :P <<Drupal Site :P <<future ezCommunity, Articles, forums and more...

David Zaoui

Tuesday 19 June 2007 1:13:29 am

Hi Fabricio,

The Glossary Operator doesn't work with links, but isn't it supposed to avoid these links ( = putting them out of the article during its process then reinjecting them into it) ? Is there a way to indicate to the Glossary operator not to touch to these links?
To answer your question, the links can be inserted anywhere in the article.

Thank you,


Hans Melis

Tuesday 19 June 2007 2:48:04 am

Hi David

The glossary operator should indeed discard links and the <skip0> tag indicates that it was in fact trying to do so. The operator inserts those tags where the discarded tags occur. After that, it applies the glossary to the remaining content. When that's done, all skip-tags are replaced by their original counterparts again.

In your case, it appears the last step failed for some odd reason. So I have a couple of questions for you:

1. What version of eZ publish are you using?
2. What version of the glossary operator are you using?
3. Do you see any (remotely) related error messages in the debug output?


David Zaoui

Wednesday 20 June 2007 1:37:06 am

Hi Hans ,
to answer your questions :

- i'm using ez publish 3.9.1 ( and unfortunately i can't upgrade it since it was decided to work with this version)
- I have the Glossary Operator version 3.0.2
- When i turn the debug output on , i have one message related the Glossary operator :
"Undefined variable: teller in /home/intranet/svn/intranet/ezpublish-3.9.1/extension/glossary/autoloads/sckglossarytemplateoperator.php on line 501"

Have you got any clue?



Hans Melis

Wednesday 20 June 2007 6:13:42 am

Unfortunately, I don't have a clue at the moment. Putting the original tags back is unconditional code, so I don't understand why it isn't happening. The SVN version of the operator has been changed to support 3.8+ and it works here on a 3.9 site.

I'll try some scenarios on a 3.9 install to see if I can recreate the problem.


Hans Melis

Thursday 21 June 2007 2:28:31 am

I was unable to reproduce the problem until I decided to download the contribution and try that code. The problem you were experiencing was simply not possible with the code I had. As soon as I installed the contribution package, the problem appeared. And then it hit me...

I have been using svn versions of contributions for years, and the glossary contribution page didn't contain the most recent version. So of course I couldn't reproduce it because I was using a fixed version.

I have repackaged the operator and uploaded it to the contribution page. The operator is now also multilingual-aware, but this limits its compatibility to eZ publish 3.8+. For those who need a version compatible with an older eZ publish version, there's an explanation in the changelog on the contribution page how to get it from svn.

Version 4.0 is live and it should fix your problem :-)


David Zaoui

Thursday 21 June 2007 2:51:51 am

Thank you very much !


Marcus M.

Wednesday 19 December 2007 7:12:35 am


I noticed some strange behavior with the glossary operator.

ezPublish -> 3.10.0
glossary operator -> 4.0
no related debug messages

I have the following HTML-Text which was generated by ezPublish using a XML-Field.

<b>Melden Sie sich direkt bei </b><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Affilinet</b></a><b> für Steuercheck24 an.</b>

If I activate the glossary operator the link will be destroyed. Afterwards it looks like this

<b>Melden Sie sich direkt bei </b><skip1><b> für Steuercheck24 an.</b>

The following tags are masked using the IgnoreTags setting in glossary.ini


Any ideas??


Hans Melis

Wednesday 19 December 2007 8:42:17 am

Hi Marcus,

I can see the problem there... you have both 'a' and 'b' elements in the ignore list. The generated HTML has a nested 'b' inside an 'a' element and that doesn't seem to work. Time to fix some stuff :-)

I do have to say that is some very weird output. I don't understand why the bolding is stopped before the link and resumed after the link when the link text is also bold. Everything can go inside a single b-tag. Are you using the default XML output handler? If so, I'd file a bug because it's making this more complicated than it should be.


Marcus M.

Monday 07 January 2008 7:59:45 am

Hi Hans,

sorry for my late response!

What do you mean with "XML output handler" ?
Do you mean the way how XML-content will be displayed?

Anyway I use the default way of displaying XML-content:

{if $node.object.data_map.description.has_content}
  <div class="contentText">
    {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.data_map.description}

Also there exists no override template for displaying XML-content.


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eZ debug

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