How to upload entire site template

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Thursday 26 February 2004 1:37:12 am


First of all forgive me if this has been discussed and point the article and I'll check it out. I'm new so be nice. :D

I want to create a site on my local computer before uploading it (when finished) to the server. Not surprisingly, from the seven site templates available none match my requirements completely. It is not a problem as I had planned to make it from scratch using the Plain site template.

My question is, how can I move my whole site template from local to the server? Including all the objects, template files, graphics, database entries? Is it possible or do I have to do it the hard way i.e. upload the files one by one and entering the sql entries myself?

Thank you.

Balazs Halasy

Thursday 26 February 2004 1:53:10 am


This is not a problem. Don't worry about it. Do your development on the development PC. When the time comes, the easiest way to move a site would be:

1) Dump the database to an .sql file.
2) Create the database on the server, populate it using the SQL dump.
3) Copy the entire eZ publish directory onto the server.
4) Make necessary changes to the settings/config/file-permissions/etc.

Again, don't worry about it.. moving a site is easy.


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 26 February 2004 1:56:22 am

Hi J,

AFAIK, there's no 'automatic' way to do this. However, it ain't too time consuming to do it manually either. What you need to do is:

1. Install ezp on the web server.
2. "Upload" (run SQL commands for) the database.
3. Upload the design dir(s) for your design(s)
4. Upload the site access dir(s) for your siteaccess(')
5. Upload the var dir(s) for your siteaccess(')
6. Upload the extension dirs of any extensions you might have created.

Remember backing up all your data. All in all, it shouldn't take more than half an hour tops.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 26 February 2004 1:57:17 am

Or, you could just do as Balazs suggests... :)

- Eirik


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Balazs Halasy

Thursday 26 February 2004 1:59:34 am

Well, yeah.. it involves less hassle. After all, we're all humans & lazy, aren't we? :-)



Thursday 26 February 2004 3:42:27 am

Thank you, both of you. :)

So the only way is the hard way then.

One thing that worries me is the configurations. Not sure whether the settings on my PC and the server would be compatible. It might work locally but may not after uploaded.

Anyway, I'll deal with it when it comes. With this wonderful community helps of course. Be prepared for my upcoming torrent of questions. :D

Oh and BTW, thanks again.

liu spider

Thursday 26 February 2004 8:53:16 am

I want to mention that all dirs named cache under var do not need uploaded into your server

Another thing you should keep in mind is: the dir of imagemagick maybe different from yours on the server.

If your ISP do not provide you with a shell (telnet or ssh), then you must be careful about the file permissions.

I just had a rough time to upload my entire site yesterday, because the wrong permission of the var dir and its subdirs, and unfortunately, I do not have shell access! I had to use ftp client to set them correct: very time-consuming, as you may imagine.
SCIM Input Method Platform
SJSD Online Editor


Friday 27 February 2004 1:38:43 am

Thanks for the advise.

Does anyone knows what configurations I have to check when moving the site (e.g. imagemagick directory as Liu mentioned)?

BTW I have just found out eZ Publish needs 12MB while the server only provide 8MB. I'll try to persuade them but if fails then ... well no eZ Publish for me. :(

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Friday 27 February 2004 1:52:10 am


You will be able to run ezp on a server with a 8MB php memory limit, but it will run extremely slow. Also, if your host says no to increase the memory limit, you should really switch to someone who will.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

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eZ debug

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