image troubles - how to change sizes?

Author Message

Georg Franz

Friday 12 December 2003 3:50:23 am


I am working with ez 3.23. Today I've changed the image sizes for the "small" and "medium" image class in the site.ini.append. Cache cleared.

The changes didn't take place, my images are shown in the 'old' dimensions. Then I cleared the "variations" and "reference" dir and the cache. Result: The images were not found because the image variation function won't create new variations.

So - how can I tell ezpublish to create new variations of the images? Must I delete content of one or more tables? (which one?)

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

Marco Zinn

Saturday 13 December 2003 11:43:35 am

Emil, there is a table for that.
It has some intiutive name like "ezimagevariation" or so.
Clearing that might work.


Georg Franz

Saturday 13 December 2003 12:50:16 pm

Hi Marco,

thanx for the tip, but it doesn't work. After clearing the table, he can't create new variations, several error messages appeared.

By the way, I found out, that the image size settings were moved from the site.ini to image.ini.

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

Georg Franz

Saturday 13 December 2003 1:27:44 pm

... a small bug report here, because - as far I can see - the image system changed in 3.3 completely.

(I am using 3.2.3)

-> I deleted the "variation" dir and "reference" dir. No images were created.

Then I found out, that the system didn't check, if the reference dir exists. A variation can ONLY be created from the reference file an not from the original, if the reference doesn't exist.

Another thing: ezimageshell.php, method "run": I found out, that at some images, my exec-string (to call convert.exe) contains sometimes multiple slashes in the image-path, moreover - I use windows - the exec-path to convert.exe contains a "/convert.exe"

So, very dirty, quick hack:


line 311, add:

$execstr = str_replace ("//", "/",$execstr);
if ( substr( php_uname(), 0, 7 ) == "Windows" )
$execstr = str_replace ("/convert", "\convert", $execstr);

But at the moment, I still don't know, at which cases the Image-Size Settings of site.ini and image.ini are used. (Both are still present in the ezimage.php)

To be at the secure site: Set the entries in both files.

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

Georg Franz

Saturday 13 December 2003 1:31:36 pm


If you are using multiple sites which accesses one image-dir, make sure that the setting of the reference-sizes is large enough for all installed sites.

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

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eZ debug

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