-- Lame activity in the forum --

Author Message

steve walker

Monday 29 November 2004 1:21:54 am

Hi there,

Just wanted to add my view to this discussion, even if its mainly repeating stuff already mentioned.

I find it frustrating I dont have much time to give back to the forum, as its certainly given me a lot of support. This is a simple fact of my first responsibility being with client projects and needing to pay the rent, same as us all.

Comparing against other CMS's, Ez is complex and consequently requires good support to avoid barrier to entry issues, hence a lot of users going down the licenced supporting route. We've been investigating other CMS's, not as a total replacement to Ez, but as an alternative that allows us to get the site a client may want up very quickly in simpler build cases. In this situation Ez will obviously reap revenue benefits from paid support channels, but atrophying the open community is going to reduce the speed of development.

For me it boringly comes down to cash... I'd agree with the view of creating an ExpertExchange / Google Answers system (an extension would be nice ;)) so that members of the community can get answers quicker, and the current altruists can get some financial compensation for their time.

Additionally, this system doesnt have to stop the normal forums which remain free as they are at present. And Ez could look at employing an extra staff member on a support role who'se sole function would be to answer the paid questions and help pay for their presence at Ez headquarters. They could even become profitable with time...

I havent wanted to take out 600 dollars of support with Ez just to get a small but critical question asked. I would be *much* happier to give some of the more verbose posters on the forums a nights worth of beers/dinner out for helping me out with a problem.

Paying $15 for 10 minutes of an experts time is economical for me, and a good hourly rate for the expert.

Regards, Steve.


Jonathan Dillon-Hayes

Monday 06 December 2004 2:18:44 am

Hey all -

There are a lot of community sites that feature eZ Publish, and the forums here on eZ.no are the best resource out there.

We're NOT seeing a decline in eZ Publish usage, or really much of a slowdown. In fact, 2004 has been getting brisker as time has been moving along -- a lot of smaller organizations (businesses and non-profits) and developers especially, and even some big names you would recognize (Universities and biotechnology mostly where we are).

However, we ARE seeing a decline in the forums, which might be a testimony to the gradual maturity of the product platform, a dislike for the forum interface, a decline in eZ's participation... etc!

We use mailing lists for managing most of our managerial stuff, and it seems to work really well for quick answers (especially as FireBright is located in two geographic locations).

Are you professional developers and serious weekenders interested in a mailing list? We've been thinking about starting up an eZ Publish mailing list for some time now, but haven't done it. Still, we'd really like to see something take off, and would gladly set up and manage one if there's any enthusiasm for it.

I'm not talking about some large commercial mailing list. I'm talking about peer-to-peer, mono-y-mono, better not post html or we'll let you have it mailing list.

Anyways, are you interested, because I've been really wanting to do it for a while now, but unless we had a core group to help get people subscribed, I don't know if it would grow fast enough to survive it's useless phase. ;-)



FireBright provides advanced eZ deployment with root access

Frederik Holljen

Monday 06 December 2004 6:09:57 am

We (eZ systems) have been thinking of opening a mailinglist for this purpose already. If there is enough interest it can be done on short notice.

Alex Jones

Monday 06 December 2004 6:11:45 am

Jonathan, I would join the list. But to be honest, I think this is something eZ systems should set up and hook into the forums. One of the worries that I, and others have expressed in the past is splitting up resources to the detriment of the community. The ideal setup would be to have a mailing list that includes forum posts, and in turn posts e-mails to the forums. That way everyone's questions are answered. At the moment, we are halfway there, as we can subscribe to the forums, we just need the ability to post back via e-mail...

If that isn't possible, then a separate mailing list will work. Obviously, if the forum integration isn't happening, anyone can host the list. One request regarding the list, if it doesn't tie into the forum, is an online archive that is accessible to the public.

[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel (irc.freenode.net): #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Hardy Pottinger

Tuesday 07 December 2004 9:38:36 pm

Just to be clear, even though I mentioned it in my previous post, I'm definitely interested in the mail list. I would not have a problem with it being integrated into the forums somehow, but I would have a problem if such integration meant we had to wait a year or so. Mail lists are easy, as are on-line archives. Just chuck it all into the site-wide search engine, people will find the info.

Ulrich L.

Tuesday 14 December 2004 1:56:39 pm

I feel there are quite a lot newbies here, trying to get in touch with the system, posting a question, getting no sufficient answer, never come back.
Please remind: Every experienced user started as a newbie! This can be your paying customer in future, so why keeping information away from him?
The activity of the community is a key feature of a software, getting even more important while open source market is growing.
I understand that ezp doesn't need to compete with mambo (=very vivid community) since it targets much more complex solutions. But since the forum often is the only way to obtain information concerning certain issues, it needs definitely more support.
Or are there other community-related places to go? ezpub seems to be freezed...

Bertrand Dunogier

Sunday 13 February 2005 3:55:06 am

I would really really appreciate an eZ Publish mailing list...

Maybe we could think about building an extension that would allow synchronisation of the mailing lists and the forums ? It would be a very nice addition to the community contributions, even if I think it could be a challenge ! Well, maybe not that much in fact...

Additionnaly, there are a few other ezpublish communities, more or less active:
- ezpub.co.uk
- ezpublish-france.org (in french only, of course)
Well, and as far as I can see that's it :)

kracker (the)

Monday 14 February 2005 12:25:53 am


You might like to know about these recently created mailing lists from ezpublishforums.com :

eZUsers : Aimed at the vast majority of eZ publish users, who need help with things like templating, installation, etc.

eZDevelopers : Aimed at developers of all shapes and sizes, who are going beyond the default install of eZ publish. More than simple customization, it is intended to be a little bit more hard core and code related

Please, subscribe!

eZ systems also recently created a series of eZ publish 3.x's svn development mailing lists. http://ez.no/community/blog/a_new_mailing_list

Here is a list of all the eZ publish community sites I've seen on the net :
- http://ezpublishforums.com/ (english only)
- http://ezpub.co.uk/ (english only)
- http://pubsvn.ez.no/ (english only)
- http://ezpublish-france.org/ (french only)
- http://ezcommunity.net/ (english only)
- http://ez.no/community (english only)

Here's hoping this information is useful to others ;]


E & A : E&A Day

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