More multi-language problems (basic)

Author Message

Clemens T

Monday 13 March 2006 5:35:00 am

Heya all!

I'm currently trying to make my Dutch website English as well!

Translating contentobjects is ez, but what to do with templates? Is there a simple system, that for dutch it picks some directory.. like: dut-NL and for english eng-GB, how does this work?


Felix Laate

Monday 13 March 2006 5:46:33 am


if I understand you right, you could do somthing like this:

1) make different siteaccesses for each language and configure <i>site.ini.append.php</i> for each access like this (example for a certain strange norwegian sub-language):



For each access you need to replace nno-NO with the language needed for that access.

2) On your pagelayout, put som HTML which links to each access


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Clemens T

Tuesday 14 March 2006 2:09:16 am

Isn't it a bit uhm.. expensive in terms of diskspace/engineering etc. to be making a different site-access for every language. Or is this THE WAY to do multi-language in ezpublish? Maybe I'll try translation files, is that a good idea? Because the layout of every language is exactly the same, and I would not like to edit 2 files if it is about a layout issue.

So basically the question is, to enable multi-language, what is a better idea:
-use translation (.ts) files, and implement translation in my templates
-creating a siteaccess for every language I want to add.

Thanks for all the help!
Great forum :),

Hapee de Groot

Tuesday 14 March 2006 2:19:37 am

That has always been the discussion, it was my choice to do it with the siteaccess solution, but the reason to make this choice that I did not really have to translate all articles. So we have a dutch section, english and spanish one and we each siteaccess has it own content so the translation way was not an option because you can only translate an article if it exists in its default language and we did not have a default language. Up till now the siteaccess solution works perfect.

Clemens T

Tuesday 14 March 2006 11:17:57 am


thanks for the input!

I will do this:

- using translation files to translate the non-contentobject-related text in templates.
- using the translation system of ezpublish to translate all the contentobjects I would like to be translate

this is because I DO have a default language and a sub-language which covers part of the site.

Thanks a lot all!

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eZ debug

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