Thursday 30 October 2008 3:06:47 am
Hi André, thanks for your kind reply. Here you go with (hopefully) all needed informations: First of all, I´m using ez Publish <b>4.0.1</b> I´ve built an ezP-Module, which is used to administrate certain data, which cannot be handled by the ezP-Backend. So this function will be called within a running ezP-Enviroment, which means, I guess, that I don´t have to bother with eZScript and eZCli and all that stuff. At least, I hope so. So this is, what I do in my module:
//Get Draft-Object with ID 183
$draft = eZContentObject::fetch(183);
//Copy Draft-Object to new Object
$newObject = $draft->copy(false);
$newObject->setAttribute( 'remote_id', $remoteId);
// Assign new object to node 180
$nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(
'contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute( 'id' ),
'contentobject_version' => 1,
'parent_node' => 180,
'is_main' => 1
//Store this Node-Assignment
if( $nodeAssignment )
//Get the objects Version
$objectVersion = $newObject->currentVersion();
//Now set the Attribute 'name' to a new Value
$attributes = $objectVersion->attribute('data_map');
$name = $attributes['name'];
$name->fromString('New Value!');
//Store object again
//Publish new Object
$result = eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute( 'id' ), 'version' => $objectVersion->attribute('version')));
Now this code always produces the above stated Error-Message. The Object, however, will be published and everything seems fine, so far. Here´s the function, the Error-Message references to (to be found in ezfsfilehandler.php):
function fileDeleteByDirList( $dirList, $commonPath, $commonSuffix )
$dirs = implode( ',', $dirList );
$wildcard = $commonPath .'/{' . $dirs . '}/' . $commonSuffix . '*';
eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-clustering', "fs::fileDeleteByDirList( '$dirList', '$commonPath', '$commonSuffix' )" );
eZDebug::accumulatorStart( 'dbfile', false, 'dbfile' );
array_map( 'unlink', eZSys::globBrace( $wildcard ) );
eZDebug::accumulatorStop( 'dbfile' );
Now, I hope, this is all information you need. Thank you again and bye! Tobias