[Publish/Unpublish] where are the objects not yet published?

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luca maroni

Wednesday 25 June 2008 6:34:36 am

Hi to everybody,

I'm developing a web site using eZPublish 4.0 and I'm using the function Publish/unpublish to manage the timing of Articles and other objects.

I created a workflow, I assigned the workflow to a trigger and I scheduled the server to run the cronjobs for publishing and unpublishing actions. Everything is working like a charm. The objects are published only after the publish date and they are removed after the unpublish date.

The only thing I don't understand is: where are the objects not yet published? Can I edit an object not yet published. Or better can I edit a published object not yet visible (because it is waiting until its publish date)?

Thanks to all

André R.

Wednesday 25 June 2008 7:11:29 am

>The only thing I don't understand is: where are the objects not yet published? Can I edit an object not yet published. Or better can I edit a published object not yet visible (because it is waiting until its publish date)?

You can find them in admin under my account -> my pending items.
But they are not editable, and if you try to edit them (by going to the content/edit/<id>/<version>) you will only get problems.

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Donat Fritschy

Wednesday 25 June 2008 8:37:55 am

Hi Luca

we have asked us the same question.

I think that the current publish workflow is far from being ideal. I guess it would be a good idea when the publish workflow would simply hide and unhide objects, leaving them fully editable. We had more than one example where the customer wanted the content to be changed after being published.


http://www.webmanufaktur.ch - Developers united in eZ Publish: http://www.cjw-network.com

luca maroni

Thursday 26 June 2008 12:34:16 am

Thanks for your answers guys! :)

Yes, they were "under my pending items" but it's really a pity that they are not editable!

I totally agree with Donat when he says <i>"I guess it would be a good idea when the publish workflow would simply hide and unhide objects, leaving them fully editable"</i>. Infact I thought it was already working in that way.

I see three big problems leaving them under "my pending items":
- the pending objects are not correlated to the content structure until they are published
- they are not editable
- and they are visible only for the author of the object. In this way is not possible any collaboration beore they are published

with the Doant proposal I think that this three problems could be solved in an "elegant" way.

What do you think?


André R.

Thursday 26 June 2008 1:13:01 am

> with the Doant proposal I think that this three problems could be solved in an "elegant" way.

Yes, I have a cronjob + edit handler that does this and it has been used in production since may, I have plans to publish it tonight or tomorrow as part of a bigger toolkit extension.

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Ekkehard Dörre

Friday 27 June 2008 4:07:34 am


thanks André for publishing it at http://projects.ez.no/ezcore and you made 2 really cool features we had planned but not yet started to make:


Thank you very much,


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André R.

Friday 27 June 2008 5:12:50 am

No problem!

Btw: Testing, documentation and feedback is very welcome ;)

eZ Online Editor 5: http://projects.ez.no/ezoe || eZJSCore (Ajax): http://projects.ez.no/ezjscore || eZ Publish EE http://ez.no/eZPublish/eZ-Publish-Enterprise-Subscription
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Bjørn Reiten

Friday 27 June 2008 8:11:03 am


I've also made a similar extension to handle hide and unhide, based on the date attributes in any content. The workflow will be runned on the last part of the publish process and will set the hidden flag directly based on the publish and unpublish attribute.

For future publish and unpublish, the workflow will be runned by the normal workflow cronjob. You can also edit the object afterwards at any time.

It is availlable here: http://projects.ez.no/gwutils

Cheers, Bjørn

luca maroni

Tuesday 01 July 2008 12:05:57 am

Great! :)

Thanks a lot André for publishing it! Finally I had time yesterday to download your extension and it works very well! At the beginning I had some problem but only because I forgot to disable the previous workflow for publishing ;-(

But this mornig I had the "brainwave" disabling the workflow and it works great!

Thanks a lot again,

Donat Fritschy

Tuesday 01 July 2008 1:47:15 am

Hi André

thanks for publishing your useful tools.

I hope that the publish/unpublish workflow will be considered for the standard release.


http://www.webmanufaktur.ch - Developers united in eZ Publish: http://www.cjw-network.com

Nicklas Lundgren

Wednesday 20 August 2008 3:35:25 am

The eZCore extension seems really promising. Thank you, André!
However, I can´t figure out how it initially handles the publishing of hidden objects.
Are there no workflows to be activated to use the hide/unhide functionality?
Should I manually publish the objects in a hidden state, to make use of the hide/unhide cronjob?

Ultimately, I need it to handle the initial hiding of the object during the publishing process, when the publishing date is ahead of time.

All suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,

Nicklas Lundgren, Managing Director
Novitell AB, Sweden

André R.

Tuesday 16 September 2008 12:28:10 am

Are there no workflows to be activated to use the hide/unhide functionality?
Should I manually publish the objects in a hidden state, to make use of the hide/unhide cronjob?

It's a edit handler + cronjob:

eZ Online Editor 5: http://projects.ez.no/ezoe || eZJSCore (Ajax): http://projects.ez.no/ezjscore || eZ Publish EE http://ez.no/eZPublish/eZ-Publish-Enterprise-Subscription
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