Thursday 11 November 2010 3:42:50 am
Hi, I need to create a custom notification, which will send a reminder before the end date of a task/event. I need to do this so that it will work with task module in ezteamroom extension.
My plan was:
1). Create a custom reminder notification event. (copy of publishNotificationEvent)
2). Create a custom reminder notification event handler. (copy of pubilshNotificationHandler)
3). When a task is created a reminder notification would be created (added to the database) with reminder send_date set to 7 days before the end_date of the task. 4). The reminder notification handler would the process the notification on the given send_date. I have managed to do 1, 2, 3 and part of the 4 above but cannot process the notifications in database. I can see the notifications are present in the database but cannot understand how to process them using the handler. Can someone advice me how I can get this to work or whether my approach is correct. Alternatively, someone may have created this feature already. I have searched on the community portal but really surprised to find there is not a lot of information or interest in having the facility to receive reminder notification of tasks/meetings/events prior to the end date. Maybe the feature already exists in ezpublish but I have failed to identify it. I would really appreciate some help on this.
regards Kunal