Thursday 18 May 2006 5:26:59 pm
Ok Regading my problems with custom section I found sonme solution which is a bit hacky but I could not figure out a more decent way for it. 1. I figured out that having a custom eznavigationpart is a solution to not to display the required subtree's parents in the newsletter navigatoin. By this we are creating a own navigation for the newsletter tab. So in the pagelayout.tpl a added another couple of lines code that are specific to newsletter tab.
{section show=eq( $navigation_part.identifier, 'eznewsletternavigationpart' )}
{include uri='design:parts/newsletter/menu.tpl'} {/section} By this I am saying that whenever user is trying to navigate to the newsletter part then use the menu.tpl in that specific folder. And I copied over the menu.tpl from design:parts/media/menu.tpl but changed bits of code to use NewsletterRootNode for the root node instead of MediaRootNode which worked pretty good. 2. For the second part that the content structure is still displaying the subtree of newsletter section is because it is still the subtree. So now I played with the database and changed the tables ez_nodeassignment and ez_objectTree to specify that the top node of the subtree is the directly under the parent_node '1' and changed the paths accordingly and it worked. But I would really love to have a decent way for it so that everytime I decide on a new section and decide on moving a subtree to that section I will have to tweak the database :(
Cheers Pratibha