Monday 22 March 2010 8:39:54 pm
Hello again, thanks for your tip, it has driven me to new ideas….
I have added a new tab at the admin making configurations at the menu.ini (not an extension) I came up with something I hope will work, I added the following to the new tab menu definition (menu.ini): [Topmenu_excel] NavigationPartIdentifier=ezexcelnavigationpart Name=Tablas de Excel Tooltip=Export excel table URL[] # NOTICE THAT node is not important URL[default]=content/view/excel/172 Enabled[] Enabled[default]=true Enabled[browse]=false Enabled[edit]=false Shown[] Shown[default]=true Shown[edit]=false Shown[navigation]=true Shown[browse]=true
I have added new view-mode of seeing nodes (excel) and within the new view-mode I added the code as you told me that generates: exec("php /bin/php/ezexec.php /runcronjobs.php")
but it does not work, maybe I have the path to the cronjobs.php wrong, anyway I run the following from the command prompt: (this a complete line) c:/ezpublish/php/php c:/ezpublish/ezpublish/bin/php/ezexec.php
c:/ezpublish/ezpublish/runcronjobs.php –s (using default siteaccess)
and the output is : #!/usr/bin/env php
Running cronjob part
Notice: No scripts found for
So, ezexec runs but it seems runcronjobs.php is not doing anything at all if ran with the ezexec.php Instead if I run the following (using php to execute runcronjobs.php directly) c:/ezpublish/php/php runcronjobs.php -dall -s
It works like a charm. Any Ideas? thanks again!
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