Wednesday 17 June 2009 1:09:56 pm
Sadly, I do not think this is a default feature in eZ publish. But ... I have seen this done with custom php code added to eZ publish. The custom code would store information about the order's payment gateway transaction within the order itself in an unused field with information regarding the payment gateway transaction and that information was later displayed to the admin / user through a template operator. So it is possible to do with eZ publish with not too much additional code but it requires custom development for your two payment gateways to uniformly store this information in an extra field in the order object in order to later display information based on it. I think ezauthorize happens to store information in the way I describe which would provide for that feature but I'm not certain it provides the display feature you describe, one could add an additional field to the information stored and then write an operator to retrieve this value for a given order. I hope these ideas help.
Cheers, Heath
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