This is NOT LOGIC specification in ezp3 !!!!

Author Message

Selmah Maxim

Monday 23 June 2003 2:53:15 am

Hi ..

Now am developing interactive site, where users can submit they informations, and editing, almost finished, the idea if of the site is smth new concept, and the 1st prospects of users for 1st year could be over 1000 registered user, and what is not logic here that each user can have min. 5 copy or version or draft of his submied information, so 5 x 1000 = 5000, and the active real data is just 1000, can you imagin how slow will be the site, can imagin how slow will be the search ??

The idea of versions is not logic at all, and am sure alot of ezp users have comments about this.

So, any clew or idea how to stop users from creating versions ,drafts, trash ?

Paul K Egell-Johnsen

Monday 23 June 2003 6:53:12 am

Well, you might be able to do something in the code to disable versionning. What I really wanted to comment is the assumption that versioning isn't logical.

Versionning is one of the many good new features in ezp3. It allows eZ publish to be deployed in a more professional atmosphere where content can be created, edited, forwarded to people, okayed and a lot of other stuff. These features are a must for some sites and for some clients.

I'm sure that ezp3.2-3.3 or something will have good functions for cleaning up in for example versions and drafts created by groups of people (without touching those vereions and drafts which are needed).

And remember, there are some pretty big sites out there using ezp3, and they cope well with the size of data.

5000 rows in a database isn't that much, by the way, but I agree that the data might grow very fast if the versionning is used overly much.



Selmah Maxim

Monday 23 June 2003 8:03:31 am

I agree with you, i had made some modfications with the code, the code will allow for each user just one draft and 1 version, now if u try it here click 'replay' so new row will be inserted into the db, even if u didn`t write or submited, and i had write about this befor 'DB flood' , and the problem no one can (even admin) can check this empty rows or delete it, and in versions, and drafts case is the same, admin cann`t delete the users trashes, and unneeded drafts, versions for users.

The code what i had wrote will insert the submitted data into the 1st empty row of the same class for user, in this case the flood will stop, and each user will get 1 draft, 1 version, and no trash items, but i had met problems with it, that the data should be store it in many rows, so i had delete it.

I had made alot of code modifications in the code, and each upgrade i need to modify the code again and again, now almost done, just writing the CSS for templates, and i think i found bug, after I had gived up to stop the versions, i found that any user can read any versions, not reading , viewing the versions of any user he want, i think this bug, coz by rules he cann`t access another user page. Now if i wanna wait the next version then i need to modify the code again :( .. .. .

The best solution thing about versions, draft and trash to make it option by class, section, user group !

Karsten Jennissen

Monday 23 June 2003 8:06:14 am

I took up your suggestion an posted it here:

Seems like we will have some of this in the future. Good news.


Selmah Maxim

Monday 23 June 2003 8:13:36 am

thx ...

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