To archive ez content tree nodes

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Romeo Antony

Wednesday 14 July 2010 3:58:37 am

Hi ezcommunity,
I am looking to implement an archival in ezpublish. will explain in detail
I am trying to develop a news paper website and need to archive each day news articles .
I will tell you the content tree structure
In ez content tree , there are frontpage object nodes preset
frontpage class nodes are (Nation,World,Business,Sports)
and in each frontpage nodes contain 4 or five article objects.
That means Nation contain 4 article objects related with Nation , Sports contain 4 or articles related with sports etc.
Each day I putting new articles in this Nation, Sports, Wrold, businss nodes after removing the existing articles in this respective frontpage nodes.
How do I archive this articles that present in each frontpage node , so that on later when a search is done to retrive these articles.Becuse it is a news website each day putting diffrent news articles
Can anyone have any suggestions or plz provide me any likn to read
thanks in advance Romeo

Brandon Chambers

Wednesday 14 July 2010 9:06:57 am

Hi Romeo,

I'm not to familiar with the administrative task of archiving, but I think there is a built-in feature to "unpublish" your articles which can take care of that, although you may have to set up a cronjob for that feature to work.

Or you can have a custom workflow to take care of the archiving action. The acrhive could have a content tree structure such as:


-Today's article

-2010 Archive:




I could be way off, but it's an idea.

Good luck!

Brandon Chambers
Granite Horizon /

Romeo Antony

Wednesday 14 July 2010 1:38:50 pm

Hi Ezcommunity,

I will explain just more about the content structure that I implemented in site so that someone can help me more

Content structure like these()

World(frontpage) Sports((frontpage) Business(frontpa) <= these are 3 top nodes , uder this top

Article 1 Article1 Article1

Article 2 Article2 Article2

Article3 Article3 Article3 <=nodes have put related article class articles objects.

Each day I am putting different articles in respective topnodes and publishing it.

Suppose tomorrow I need to publish new articles for the news website , Do I need to just unpublish todays article objects from these top frontpage nodes or do I need to remove todays article from these top frontpage nodes? ( Idea behind archival is publish and unpublish or something more?)

What will be the idea in ez how we can maintain archiving the articles without removing .Can anyone suggest me a good idea

Any help would be greatfull becs I am new to ez only just 2 months and trying to studying and doing the project , so it is taking a long time , But I am trying to get information as soon as, as much as possible

thanks in advance Romeo.......


Ivo Lukac

Thursday 15 July 2010 12:33:36 am

Hi Romeo,

Seems to me that you don't need to do anything :) If you use ezflow for front pages (or some similar method with automatic or manual picking of interesting news) your news which are no longer shown will remain where they are. They can be found with search. You only need to have some view for viewing them all (like in folder tpl).

If you unpublish them you will not see them any more on he site.

For full blown archiving system (which is need when you have more then 100 of thousands of news) you will need to wait next ez release: there will be archiving module which will transfer object to Solr).

Romeo Antony

Thursday 15 July 2010 1:15:46 am

Thank you Ivo.

I have some about about this .Ivo, can you please clear it.

I have put article contents in top frontpage classnodes like(Business,sports,World) and when I clicked on publish ,

In ezflow To show the artilcle contents, I need to use manaul blocks or dynamic blocks

In manual blocks

I need to fetch the published items from content tree.

Let me explain more briefly,


Yesterday I have put 5 articles in respective frontpage top nodes and publishing it from admin interface and adding it into manual blocks using website editor toolbar .So it will be available in user site access.

Suppose Today, to put new news articles in site , I will put new contents in topnodes and publishing it.

So to show todays artciles in site, I need to remove yesterdays articles from manuall blocks and add todays news artciles using website editor toolbar .So yesterdays news will not be visible in the site.but actaully nothing happened to yesterdays articles.It will be there in the content tree node.

So in this way I can keep the whole articles in content tree.

So I do not need to implement an archival system.Is that what you are saying.

Suppose I am removing yesterdays articles from manuall blocks, then it will not be avaliable in the site, then do I need to unpublish these articles ? How do I unpublish yesterdays articles

Can you please help me in clarifying it Romeo

Romeo Antony

Thursday 15 July 2010 6:38:37 am

Thanks Ivo, I have followed your instructions, I have got the idea about archival.

I will tell you what i got it from you. I checked the national geographic website I have seen thier site Url like the above that means each of thier frontpage class contents like(news,travel,adventure) is loaded from some archiving folders (2010/07/photogalleries/) and arhiving folders and subfolders is hidden from site visitors.

It will be only shown to site editors and administator. So this archiving area(2010/07/photogalle ries) is set in a section as protected area where only granted user can reach and edit the contents(grant set by user policy). So it would be more easier to manage the archival. Also if user will save a link like these(as shown above) and he may try to go to this link afetr one month .Link wouldn't be broken.Since the contents will be always there.

Is my idea is correct Ivo, so I can go forward. I have followed many of your instructions .It is quite simple for begnners and worked out.

Any suggestions.

Cheers. Thanks in advance Romeo.

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