Tuesday 30 November 2010 6:40:40 am
Hi, I upgraded the system from eZ3.10.0 to eZ4.4 by following the instruction in the upgrade document step by step. Everything is great so far, except the custom tags in my xml block attributes. The custom tags can't be shown on the page. In the debug output, it indicates the corresponding tpl file is loaded, but, no content. It strange that, if I go to the BO, just hit edit an content object with this kind of custom tag, then do nothing hit publish. I need do so twice, then the content will be shown on the page! I looked at the DB tables, and the code, it seems the stored xml text in the DB has wrong structure than the newer version of the eZ. I have many content objects, so don't want to correct the problem manually like above. Since above, it seems the eZ Publish system can somehow fix the problem, because I can do nothing on the content when editing, I am thinking there are must be a way to write a script to covert the custom tags automatically. However, according what I read the kernel code so far, it seems very complicated on the process of store and parsing the xml text data. I have spent much time now and seem no results! Can someone give me some directions or articles on this matter? Thank you very much!
Certified eZ Publish 4 developer looking for develop information & collaboration.