Workshop notes comments

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Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 24 June 2004 3:52:08 am

Hi guys,

After having read the workshop notes (, I would like to suggest some changes to how the various functions are prioritized. I don't know if ez is open for this, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway, and perhaps some of you will agree with me.

I would like to see the following functions moved up to the "High priority" list. Actually, there are others as well, but I've tried to limit my list to the functions that I belive we would all benefit from having implemented ASAP.


Sort template
The template editing process is currently horrible, and, in my opinion, probably the least userfriendly set of functions in eZP. One could argue that only advanced users spend time editing templates, but this is also where advanced users spend MOST of their time (at least I know I do). Usability improvements could severely cut down the time spent on template editing.


IMO, ranking is _the_ most important part of any search engine, so I would like to see it moved up to high priority list where I feel it belongs.


Subscription based products
Nearly half of the clients I work for, or at least, get in contact with, need a way to handle subscription based products. Currently, there's no easy way of doing this in eZP. I belive the demand for such functionality is greater than the ez crew might think.


HTML datatype
This is so easy to implement that I don't see any reason not do do so ASAP. And though many of us have already created our own datatypes for this purpose, it would be great to have a HTML datatype as a part of the standard distro into which one could tie any WYSYWYG HTML editor.

The community has been screaming for this since the release of v. 3, and it's probably on top of the list of missing eZPublish features as far as our clients are concerned. I know at least my clients are turned of when I tell them that there's no standard bulkmail functionality (and, sometimes, to the point of choosing another CMS).


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Alex Jones

Thursday 24 June 2004 7:49:53 am

Good thread Eirik! For the most part I agree with your points. While I do not need some of the features you ranked higher (Subscription Based Products and Bulk Mail), I too would rank things a bit differently.

<b>Product Options</b>
Having multiple options per product that affect the price is important. But I also need the ability to assign a product number to each combination of options.

<b>Event Calendar</b>
This is extremely important for any site that runs specials, provides press releases or announcements, not just Event calendars. I really think it should just be general functionality to allow any object to be assigned a period of time before it is automatically removed, or moved to an archive location.
<b>General Thoughts on Features, Priorities and Direction</b>
I would really like to see eZ publish focus on corporate (products, large-scale content management) needs over personal sites (blogs, photo galleries and the like). I know my statement may prove unpopular among some people who use the product, but, as it stands eZ publish has a solid foundation in the corporate CMF market, while the blog software market is overfilled with packages that already do an amazing job.

I say this as someone who uses eZ publish for a couple of medium to large sites (with a third in the works), yet I choose to run several personal sites on other packages because they focus on the needs of those sites.

eZ publish cannot be everything to everyone, just as personal publishing systems like MovableType or WordPress cannot meet the needs of a large enterprise. I think this focus really needs to be kept in mind in prioritizing features and the general direction of eZ publish.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Harry Oosterveen

Thursday 08 July 2004 5:32:52 am

What I recall from the workshop, is that the single most important feature, as far as 'Search' is concerned, is 'Ranking'. So I was a bit surprised to see this only ranked 'medium priority'. But then, after reading the definition of priority, this may also mean that it is recognized as extremely important, but simply cannot be realized in eZ 3.5, whereas 'Search from here' is perhaps less important, but easier to implement and therefore given higher priority.

Anyway, as Eirik also wrote, 'Ranking' is the most important feature, and I would be happy if the eZ crew could find a way to have it implemented in 3.5

Paul Forsyth

Thursday 08 July 2004 5:44:36 am

Here is a great unpublish spec, in response to the workshops:


Alex Jones

Thursday 08 July 2004 7:06:42 am

Thanks for pointing that out Paul. I agree, it looks like a great spec that will prove extremely useful once/if it is put into place.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Frederik Holljen

Thursday 08 July 2004 7:37:31 am

Hide (unpublish) will be implemented in 3.5.

Paul Borgermans

Thursday 08 July 2004 7:50:27 am

Me too I'm a bit surprised.

ez crew, is it possible to already add an empty ranking framework in 3.5? We could then already hack in a more elegant way.
The code for "search from here" is very easy and implemented in our case in the pagelayout templates as

<form action={"/content/search/"|ezurl} method="get">
<input class="searchbox" type="text" size="16" name="SearchText" id="Search" value="" />
<input class="button" name="SearchButton" type="submit" value="Search here" />
<input type="hidden" name="SubTreeArray[]" value="{$module_result.node_id}" />

Best regards


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Bruce Morrison

Tuesday 20 July 2004 7:06:19 pm

Hi all

I've implemented a search engine plugin that basically extends the existing (default) ezsearchengine plugin that implements a ranking method of sorts.

Basically it does 2 things
+ by default returns the search results sorted based on the number of times the search term appears in the object.
+ adds the words in the title multiple times to the database. This paired with the above functionality has the effect of elevating those objects with the search terms in the title higher in the results.

Thought I'm not convinced of the efficiency of the solution it does the trick.

BTW the default ordering of search results are by publish date. There does appear to be attempts to add some frequency/ranking to the search engine in the current 3.4.1 version.

If others are interested I'll talk to the designIT crew and the client we did it for, about releasing it to the community.


P.S. It would be great if search engine plugings could be part of an extension and not have to go into the core kernel!

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Georg Franz

Wednesday 21 July 2004 2:26:50 am

Hi Bruce,

I was unhappy with the ez search engine and created an own "plugin" with some extra features too. But my biggest problem was not the search result but the search speed. (I've more than 60.000 content objects ...)

So I decided to use mngosearch - - at my user sites and my plugin only at the admin-site. (By the way - mngo search is also used by (!!))

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

Bruce Morrison

Wednesday 21 July 2004 3:14:01 am

Hi Emil

Just to clarify - you are using mngosearch eternally or have you used it as part of the ezpublish system (as a search plugin)?

Unfortinually (for me) the site I've made the mods for contains several "private" sections that need to be searchable when a user is loged in. I'm not sure this could be achieved with mngosearch.

Mind you I remember using mngosearch when it was called UdmSearch ans seem to remember that it may have had the capibility to be used as an "indexing library" - I wonder if it could be used for a search plugin.....


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Georg Franz

Wednesday 21 July 2004 4:12:39 am

Hi Bruce,

I use the "standalone version"
e.g.: (german version)
or (english version)

There is a php-extension of mngosearch available, so it should be possible to create a "real plugin" for ez. Unfortunately I have no time to create one at the moment.

So for the protected areas I use my own plugin (which is a "extended version" of the original ez search engine).

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

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eZ debug

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