XMLArea extension development

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Zdenek Ziegler

Tuesday 10 May 2005 8:55:06 am

I have one problem with xmlarea that I was not successful to work out.
When I press "toggle edit mode" button, every czech national characters becomes something like this: %u011B

I tried to change character set, but nothing changes. Is it possible to change some settings in xmlarea to display national characters correctly?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Zdenek

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 12 May 2005 7:12:58 am


Bug report: The latest revision seems to "forget" the size of embedded images.


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 27 May 2005 10:14:49 am


I have a problem with xmlarea and ie6 with strict mode (xhtml 1.1 pages).

The toolbar displays fine when the textarea in on the top of the page (ie when you don't scroll), but doesn't display as soon as you scroll down to reach a textarea not at the top of the page. (Am I clear ?)

Not directly releated, ie doesn't handle position:fixed (surprise...), and the workaround (using fixed: absolute+overflow http://tagsoup.com/-dev/null-/css/fixed/), doesn't work in strict mode.

Is this the same problem ? Is someone else experiencing that ?

On the workaround (beside convincing my client to use firefox), I'd love to be able to have the toolbar displayed right above the textarea instead on the top of the screen.

Stevo+, you mentionned something like that, right ? Could you update us on that topic ?

BTW, you were looking at other editors (FCK), isn't it ? Were are you on your investigations ? Have you seen xinha.gogo.co.nz (a fork from htmlarea) ?



liu spider

Friday 27 May 2005 10:34:45 am

xinha seems promising and is being actively developed. It would be good if it can be used instead in xmlarea

and another thought: is it possible to make the eZ XML support for xinha in a plugin?

SCIM Input Method Platform
SJSD Online Editor

Marin Orlic

Thursday 02 June 2005 5:04:35 am

Hi all,

I've had really annoying problems with xml text - I need to enter α character to the field, but it constantly gets decorated as α . Is this an xmlarea issue or something related to ezxml?

Thanks for help :)

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 02 June 2005 5:22:42 am


One of my clients just discovered a pretty big bug when running XMLarea in IE 6.0. When they try to write an @ sign, the text at the same line turns bold and bigger. This also happens at my computer.

Any idea what's causing this?


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Brendan Pike

Monday 06 June 2005 1:22:49 am

Any idea of when this extension wll be 3.6 friendly?



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Nicklas Lundgren

Thursday 09 June 2005 11:45:48 am

Hi Folks!
I am testing the outstanding xmlarea editor. However, I have just encountered a problem. When clicking the "Ok" button in the table-properties popup window, nothing happens.
I assume it is meant that the popup shall close down, and that the selected table properties would be sent to the editor. But nothing happens at all. Tha popup stays where it is. And its the same if I try the "Cancel" button.
I have tried in both IE6 and FireFox with the same result. I cant see any js-errors in any of the browsers. I am running eZ 3.6.0.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.


Nicklas Lundgren, Managing Director
Novitell AB, Sweden

Nicklas Lundgren

Thursday 09 June 2005 11:55:41 am

Never mind,
I solved it. It turned out, the path to the .js file was wrong - pointing at the root of my web. And since I am running in developing mode, I I running in a subdirectory.

So, thats it. Really promising editor, though!


Nicklas Lundgren, Managing Director
Novitell AB, Sweden

kracker (the)

Friday 24 June 2005 3:36:09 pm

hey guys,

I wanted to point out that there is a very functional spell checking tool a friend pointed out to me today.



I think this could make an excellent addition to your editor extension.

What do you think?
Would this a possible combination?
Do you think this would be hard to accomplish?


<i>modest mouse : paper thin walls</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Gabriel Ambuehl

Saturday 25 June 2005 6:14:52 am

The problem with this and most spellcheckers is that they aren't selfcontained, i.e. you need serverside stuff that only admins can install. If pspell isnt compiled in to PHP, this won't work I assume.

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zurgutt -

Monday 27 June 2005 2:16:25 am

Inserting image by insert object button has bug: if size is not set for object in the dialog, error occurs in template code and no image is displayed in user view.
Solution: set default in size pulldown to "small" or some other valid size.

Certified eZ developer looking for projects.
zurgutt at gg.ee

zurgutt -

Thursday 30 June 2005 8:52:50 am

3.6.0: There is strange bug - if you install xmlarea right after installation and try to edit root node, you will get page failure with sql error (empty list in IN clause). If at least one new version is made without xmlarea, all works fine :)

Certified eZ developer looking for projects.
zurgutt at gg.ee

James Lynch

Tuesday 05 July 2005 8:45:15 am


I couldn't duplicate that effect. I disabled the xmlarea extension, edited a new draft, re-enabled the extension, but still recieve the "Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed."

edit: Thanks for mentioning the problem related to root node though! I thought it was the same for all objects, and we will be making a custom spash page anyways.

When looking at the errors, it looks like a script is calling the query using an empty variable. I don't have much experience in that dept. though.

3.5.1 and 3.6 are running under hostmatched siteaccess and transparent index.php here, 3.6 is the only one with this problem. :(


peter peter

Tuesday 05 July 2005 3:27:08 pm

i have the same problem. and i solve it ;-)


and uncomment the SELECT * ezlink Statement

James Lynch

Wednesday 06 July 2005 7:01:36 am

Hello peter,

There is no such line of code in those files. Perhaps we are using different versions. I've tried the regular download and the SVN. Could you post the lines you're referring to?

Thanks a lot, this could save me a bit of time.

John Axsom

Thursday 07 July 2005 2:23:10 pm

Hey Stevo,

Really appreciate all your efforts to give the community another editor to choose from.

Have you or anyone else contributing to the XMLArea code thought of using XStandard instead of HTMLArea? They have both a free and commercial product. Just food for thought really!

Thanks again,
John Axsom

Geraint Edwards

Friday 08 July 2005 12:53:54 am

There are two problems with xstandard, as I see it:
1. Its windows only (no use for MacOS or Unix/Linux users).
2. It requires the installation of a plugin on the user's computer - which many users/administrators are wary of.

If you are looking for an alternative you could check out FCKEditor. See



Gabriel Ambuehl

Tuesday 19 July 2005 3:00:43 am

XMLArea works just fine for me on 3.6 (zip file (March 22nd) from the contrib section as pubsvn still doesn't work).

I'd prefer it if I could have the toolbar appear just above the textarea, really. Is there a switch for that?

Visit http://triligon.org

Gabriel Ambuehl

Wednesday 20 July 2005 2:23:57 am

I'm wondering if it perhaps would make sense to switch to Xinha ( http://xinha.gogo.co.nz ) seeing that HTMLArea doesn't really seem to be supported anymore.

Xinha supposedly should act as drop in replacement for HTMLArea (oh and it supports copy paste in Firefox ;) but there have been some modifications in xmlarea (related to the use of ezxml instead of proper XHTML I think) that makes this break.

If someone could point out how exactly HTMLArea was made to use ezxml instead of XHTML, I might be able to get Xinha to work with xmlarea.

If the ezxml support could be moved to a plugin, it would probably be much easier to get Xinha to work as it should support HTMLArea plugins just fine from what I read.

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