Wednesday 27 July 2011 5:22:35 am - 4 replies

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  • Let the user add/remove blocks from his dashboard
  • Let the user move blocks via Drag'n Drop
  • Let the user configure some blocks (filter by class last contents for instance)
  • Provide more blocks (last registered users, feed reader, advanced search, bookmarks blocks, search stats, ...)
Author Message

Ivo Lukac

Wednesday 27 July 2011 7:37:05 am

You mean something like this?

Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 27 July 2011 8:17:32 am


You mean something like this?


Hey, that looks cool. That + admin2pp could be a good start for this feature :)

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Geoff Bentley

Wednesday 27 July 2011 2:05:16 pm

I especially like the performance enhancements adopted in admin2pp.

Damien Pobel

Wednesday 27 July 2011 3:17:56 pm


Even if admin2pp is clearly a possible model (as the author of it I can't say the opposite :-)), some parts probably need some work because a part of the configurable dashboard code is there to properly override the default dashboard, the JS needs a bit of refactoring...

In addition, this extension is based on jQueryUI but the current admin interface is mainly based on some widgets from YUI2 (datatable, calendar, multiupload, ...) and some others from YUI3 (auto complete when eZ Find is there) and jQuery for some AJAX calls and basic DOM operations I think this is already too much :-)


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