Franck Magnan
Monday 24 January 2011 12:40:55 pm
Hello Anders, ezfind fetch function looks like :
{set $search=fetch( ezfind,search,
hash( 'query', $search_text,
'offset', $view_parameters.offset,
'limit', $page_limit,
'sort_by', hash( 'score', 'desc' ),
'facet', $defaultSearchFacets,
'filter', $filterParameters,
'publish_date', $dateFilter,
'spell_check', array( true() )
))} Assuming Article, Product and Persons have class_ids 34, 67 and 55 (for example), you can add one argument to your fetch function to get :
{set $search=fetch( ezfind,search,
hash( 'query', $search_text,
'offset', $view_parameters.offset,
'limit', $page_limit,
'sort_by', hash( 'score', 'desc' ),
'facet', $defaultSearchFacets,
'filter', $filterParameters,
'publish_date', $dateFilter,
'class_id', array(34, 67, 55),
'spell_check', array( true() )
))} Then, ezfind will retrieve only nodes among Articles, Products and Persons. Hope this helps.
Developer at Open Wide