Monday 09 February 2009 7:30:43 am
Hi all, I am a new developer on eZ Publish, so sorry if I my words are not clear or obvious...
I am using ezfind for my site and its pretty good for now. However I have some issues and questions about it. 1) What's about subtree search, including locations ? Now only main node search work. If a content has many location, only a search on its main subtree get this content. 2) I have the following problem with subtree search functionnality.
On one hand, I have a content in the Content subtree, in a "News" subtree for example. This content has a "ezcontentobjectrelation(s)" field, or a "online editor" field in which we can have a embed objet (similar to a "ezcontentobjectrelation" feature). On the other hand, in the Media subtree, in Files folder, I have a File. So my content is "linked" to the File using the "ezcontentobjectrelation(s)" field. So, if I search on the whole subtree, I can get results from Content subtree and Media subtree, so I can get my Content and my File, if both match my search text. But now, If I select the "News" subtree, l logically only get the Content, not the File attached. Even if it's logical, this a big problem for me, because the "News" subtree can be considered by a internet user as a set of contents and files. So If a user want to search in "News" subtree, he want to get Contents and Files used in thoses Contents (using the "ezcontentobjectrelation(s)" field for example).
Do you have a solution to my problem ? Maybe it's a design problem... It will be simpler to use an "ezbinaryfile" field instead an "ezcontentobjectrelation(s)" field, but I can't.
Thank you very much if you can help me to keep moving on this issue. Feel free to ask me should need more precisions. Guillaume