Tuesday 15 February 2011 10:43:46 pm
Dear all I am sure somebody did the search feature as what I would say below, please give me some help in advancement. If I have shopA(ClassShop) and shopB(ClassShop), both of them have some products, eg: carA(ClassCar), carB. ClassCar is the class of carA which has an attribute of relationobject(e,g brand). Now we relate BMW to carA, and Audi to carB. Note: both shops have carA and carB. Now I try to search BMW, it is easy to get the result of carA! However, I want to display the shops which are the containers of carA and carB. not only the data but also the search number is for the shops. Like: A :- ( B<->C ), I search C, but want to get A. Is it feasible? Waiting for your reply. All the best.