Monday 30 April 2007 5:21:45 am
I tried to install the eznewsletter 1.5.1 version and I downloaded all packages. This install was successfully but now I can't do anything. In fact when I try to create a new user, I can read the following fatal error message on my screen : "Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed.
The current execution was stopped to prevent further problems.
You should contact the System Administrator of this site with the information on
this page.
The current transaction ID is TRANSID-b25ec1c0e1786bb7ff2a18b85c63023d and
has been logged.
Please include the transaction ID and the current URL when contacting the system administrator."
I think there's a configuration problem!
But I don't know what ini files I have to modify... Someone can help me please?