Wednesday 16 July 2008 1:21:46 am
Hi, maybe you could do it this way:
1. install the redirect operator
2. create a custom content class 'http_redirect' Name, URL, text (for relative URLs) 3. create an override rule
Subdir=templates Match[class_identifier]=http_redirect 4. create the template http_redirect.tpl
{set $HttpLocation = $node.data_map.its_relative.content}
{redirectrelative($HttpLocation)} [...] 5. create an object of the http-redirect-class in your node tree
put the relative path of your module in 'its_relative' text field e.g. '/MY_MODULE/MY_VIEW/
6. if you want to mark the current selection in the menu you have your module to
set some values in the Result-Array
$Result['node_id'] and $Result['path']
that is just a brief description, I hope you get the idea.
If anyone knows an easier or more straightforward solution please post.
I'll have a look if I could achieve the same with defining a virtual URL, sounds much easier.
have a nice day