Tuesday 22 September 2009 4:51:58 pm
@Andy I'm assuming you are trying to do this with the online editor in a XML block? I get the following error: Invalid e-mail address: 'another@website.com?subject=Airports%20Schedules'
If this is the same issue it this appears to be a bug (or at least an omission in functionality) - I'd suggest you post a bug at http://issues.ez.no/ @Robin what @Sander has detailed is how to set Subjects in templates that are used to generate emails in the system (information collectors). It's not a general setting but something that is specific to some modules. There are some details here: http://www.ez.no/developer/articles/how_to_create_ez_publish_forms/form_template_creation_and_modification/(offset)/20
Cheers Bruce
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