Monday 08 August 2005 6:57:14 am
Hi Guys! Im considering giving EzPublish a whirl for my community website but I have a few queries first. Im ultimately looking to use EzP to write both articles and news to add to my website in a URL friendly manor which I can give out to my content writers to use without too much techno knowledge. Im not looking for EzP to manage my menus and stuff like that just to be able to add the articles once publish and list them as the latest on the main pages and so forth. Would this be possible with EzP? It looks as though it is after looking at it but it seems very indepth and I don't want to dive in feet first if it does not achieve what I am ultimately looking for. The other thing is that the content will be categorised and I would be looking to section it out to areas of the website and so forth. Is this easily achieved as well? I value your time for replying guys but I thought its best to get the information from people who have had first hand experience. The software does look very good and im looking forward to possibly fiddling with it :) Once again thanks!