blank accounts ?

Author Message

Guillaume COLSON

Friday 29 April 2005 6:01:22 am

I tried to implement the fix suggested by Fredrik as Eirik suggested me but it doesn't seem to take me out of the problem.
But a few tests later, I finaly see that my problem came from browsers not accepting cookies.
The session is not stored and so the information couldn't be saved in the DB.
I put a message for users to allow cookies to register correctly but it can't be a solution.
Does anyone see a more reliable answer to the problem?



Guillaume COLSON

Monday 02 May 2005 7:00:25 am

I've found a solution that permits to send the session id in the URL. I changed some php parameters for this specific site by adding the following lines in a .htaccess file at the root of the site :
php_value session.use_cookies 0
php_value session.use_trans_sid 1
php_value url_rewriter.tags a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=

I still have problem with login for these browsers but I open a new topic since I believed that the subject has changed :

Thanks for all,


Andre Felipe Machado

Tuesday 14 June 2005 1:15:10 pm

I just upgraded to ezpublish 3.6.0 and it also have this strange behaviour.
Some user accounts are created blank.
What can I do?
Andre Felipe

A Debian user never dies. Issues a last command:
shutdown -h now

Frederik Holljen

Tuesday 14 June 2005 1:33:35 pm

Check that you have absolutely no errors and warnings in your templates. If this is the case and the problem persists check if apache crashes on you during registration, if so we are probably dealing with the reference bug in PHP (which is fixed in PHP 4.4). If none of this helps, you have found a bug that should be reported.

Andre Felipe Machado

Tuesday 14 June 2005 5:36:57 pm

As templates are clean, apache runs smoothly, and errors seem random, I guess it is the php reference bug.
My hosting uses php 4.3.4.
Please, is it really this bug that cause the problem?
I will have to convince the hosting to upgrade the package and need strong arguments.
Andre Felipe

A Debian user never dies. Issues a last command:
shutdown -h now

kracker (the)

Tuesday 14 June 2005 6:03:45 pm


I'm sure your hosting company will be very understanding as to why eZ publish requires the upgrade to php 4.4

Please, be patient as 4.4 has not yet been officially released. Only the first Release Candidate 1 has been released. Expect rc2 / beta releases before the official release. I don't know what timeline is for the official release, perhaps someone from that community can say with more certainty.

More Information on this subject is available from:


Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Frederik Holljen

Tuesday 14 June 2005 11:37:34 pm


The best way to find out if it is really the reference problem is to install your site on a different computer for testing. If the problem magically disappears (even with PHP 4.3.x) you are definitely experiencing the reference problem. If it doesn't, try upgrading to PHP 4.4 when it is out. If the problem goes away, the reference problem was causing the trouble.

If none of this helps, then it is a bug of some kind.
How often are you experiencing this?

kracker (the)

Wednesday 15 June 2005 3:45:18 pm


I was excited to read today that Derick has announced php 4.4RC1 information and a 4.4 (estimated) schedule for stable release!


FYI, Paul F. says it may not be quite stable yet and may cause other problems :|


<i>Southpark : Holloween Haunt (Featuring KoRn)</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Harry van Irsel

Friday 25 August 2006 1:46:23 am

I've got the same problem in 3.8.1.

Sometimes I receive a mail of a new registered user. A blank account is generated.
As long as I toouch nothing the site runs OK, but after I deleted the blank accounts (there where 2 blank guest accounts) I'm getting problems with updating content.
After a little while it seems to go in a loop. Everything points to the mysql database.

My guess now is that the deletion of the blank accounts causes the database to go in a corrupt status.

Problem is that my webhost suspends my account when it happens and I cann't do anything about it...

sammie owen

Tuesday 05 September 2006 9:19:11 am

same problem in Version: 3.8.3
my sites database crashed 3 times last week with this error.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pma_reloadnavigation() in /usr/local/apache1/htdocs/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/ on line 133

i talked to my host about it, see convo below:

Paul S.: Thank you for contacting iPower Live Chat. How can I help you?
samantha: hi my database has chrashed again 3rd time in a week
samantha: taking the site down
Paul S.: I'll be happy to assist you.
samantha: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pma_reloadnavigation() in /usr/local/apache1/htdocs/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/ on line 133
samantha: https://********
Paul S.: Can you provide me the database user name and pasword
samantha: ******** <<< name ****** <<<pw
Paul S.: May I place you on hold while I further research your issue?
samantha: sure
Paul S.: Thanks for the hold
Paul S.: Please cehck now
samantha: it's running again, but thats the 3rd time in a week, 1st time the site was down for 6 hours, can you tell me what is causing this?
Paul S.: I have fixed the error for you
samantha: what caused the error?
Paul S.: Presently we have set max limit(no of requests) on our server as 50000 per hour.
Paul S.: Your database user is crossing the max question limit.
samantha: well i cant deal with the site crashing so much
Paul S.: You can solve it by recreating your database user.
samantha: can that limit be raised?
Paul S.: Sorry that limit can not be rasied
Paul S.: You have to make the changes in your coding.
samantha: recreating your database user?
samantha: what change?
Paul S.: I apologize for any inconvenience but please note that iPowerWeb is primarily a web hosting company.
Paul S.: We do not have the resources to assist with web design or web programming.
Paul S.: Please contact a web designer or programmer for additional assistance.

now last week i was getting blank user registerations, emails sent to me:

A new user has registered.

Account information.

Link to user information:

<b> so i deleted them</b>

Object is unavailable

The object you requested is not currently available.

Possible reasons for this are:

* The id or name of the object was misspelled, try changing it.
* The object is no longer available on the site.

<b>i know the last time the DB crashed i just deleted dupelcate and blank registrations</b>
i have no idea what is causing this to happen. but my system is:

Version: 3.8.3 (3.8.3)
SVN revision: 16460
Extensions: ezdhtml

operating system

mysql version
mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.24

perl version
perl, v5.8.3

php version
PHP 4.4.1
Extensions: xslt, xmlrpc, xml, wddx, tokenizer, standard, sockets, session, pspell, posix, pcre, overload, mysql, ming, mhash, mcrypt, mbstring, imap, iconv, gettext, gd, ftp, exif, domxml, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, bcmath, zlib, openssl, apache, Zend Optimizer
Miscellaneous: Safe mode is off.
Basedir restriction is off.
Global variable registration is on.
File uploading is enabled.
Maximum size of post data (text and files) is 8M.
Script memory limit is Unlimited.
Maximum execution time is 30 seconds.

i guess this is a bug and a major one if it crashes the DB

sammie x

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