Costum module? How does it work?

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Jens Kultima

Saturday 22 March 2008 11:31:45 am


I will try to explain my problem in detail:

What I want to do:
have a custom page for viewing and deleting information collections.

There is a module for doing this in the eZ Publish Admin interface. From here one can copy and paste pretty much of the template code for viewing which information which nodes have collected. So far so good.

Where the problems come in:
When I want to delete a a peice of information colected by a node.

What have I done so far:
I have a custom template for a node which will view all the collected information. I have created a 'remove this collection'-button for each piece of information. Currently this button works as a delete-button, code copied straight from the template of the admin-module code.

Main part of the code look like this:

<div class="controlbar">
<form action="{concat('/ezwebin_site_admin/infocollector/collectionlist/', $MY.contentobject_id)}" method="post" name="CollectionRemove">
<input class="button" type="submit" name="RemoveCollectionsButton" value="Radera" />
<input type="hidden" name="CollectionIDArray[]" value={$} />
<input type="hidden" name="FUFRedirect" value={$currentnode.node_id} />

The FUFRedirect is a varibale added so that I can redirect the user to a node of choice. I have also added a few lines of code in the PHP-file controlling the admin-module so that is redirection would work. HOWEVER, it does NOT.

What happens when I press the button? It redirects me to the admin-webinterface and ask if I want to delete the collection and from there I can press "ok" or "cancel".

My questions are:
1. Does the <div class="controlbar"> code do anything?
2. How do skip the confirmation step? I tried to implement the code for the "ok" button only in my template code and at the same time sending the node id as a hidden variable, but this does not work. Why?
3. In the admin interface when pressing the delete button you are redirected to the confirmation step. BUT in that template I can find NO CODE for identifying which node's information is to be delted. How does eZ know this information? It is sent as a hidden variable in the previous step, but where is it stored and how can I modify these steps so that I can work around the confirmation-step?

4. In the PHP-file controlling the admin interface module there is this piece of code:

if( $module->isCurrentAction( 'ConfirmRemoval' ) )
    $collectionIDArray =& $http->sessionVariable( 'CollectionIDArray' );
    if( is_array( $collectionIDArray ) )
        foreach( $collectionIDArray as $collectionID )
            eZInformationCollection::removeCollection( $collectionID );
	$FUFRedirect =& $http->sessionVariable( 'FUFRedirect' );
	if ( is_numeric( $FUFRedirect ) )
		$module->redirectToView( 'view', array( 'full', $FUFRedirect ) );
    $objectID = $http->sessionVariable( 'ObjectID' );
    $module->redirectTo( '/infocollector/collectionlist/' . $objectID );

<b>How do I call this module? As in which 'action' should use to call this function?</b>

5. Is it possible for me to use this piece of PHP-code and call it from a different location without viewing the template connected to it?

Many question, and I hope that someone out there could please explain it to me!

In general, I have not quite grepped how "post"-functions work and how one page can use information stored by a previous page and why this piece of information is necessary for it to work, ie. the confirmation page will only work correctly if you pressed the "delete this"-button for the correct node.

Thank you!


Maxime Thomas

Tuesday 01 April 2008 11:17:12 pm


To fill your needs, you may use this article :

Another tips :

1 - You may try to design your own module
2 - You may try some specific fetch function to fetch the information collection :

Hope it helps !

Maxime Thomas | |

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eZ debug

Timing: Jan 31 2025 06:11:00
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