Tuesday 12 October 2004 12:02:28 pm
I have installed and activated the Enhanced Objectrelation extension within a new 3.5 alpha version of eZ publish and modified the <i>ezcontentobject_link</i> table as instructed. The new datatype shows up when editing/creating a class, but the only fields it presents are <i>Name</i> and <i>Identifier</i>. The fields for setting up the type of relation, the source node etc. are missing. I double-checked, and all of the files within extension/enhancedobjectrelation are there, including the templates. A quick look at the templates also show the proper code to display the relation list controls.
The Extension: http://ez.no/community/contributions/datatypes/enhanced_objectrelation My version of 3.5A is the one that was released. I have not pulled from trunk. Apparently the Rev number wasn't accurate with this release, so I cannot provide an accurate one. Anyone have some thoughts on this?
[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel (irc.freenode.net): #eZpublish ]
<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>