Thursday 20 May 2010 3:40:47 am
Hello Thomas, If you are using a content type "frontpage", do you mean you are using the ezflow installation? I am not quite sure to understand what you are trying to do?
Do you mean that you would like a specific mean for everypage? I this case, you would ideally include the menu in the full view of your template.
If you wish to have a menu which changes depending on a section then you have a number of different ways to do this. One simple method, is by using jquery or javascript: 1) Set a javascript variable in the full view of your templat:
something like: <script type="text/javascript"> var my_section = "{$my_section}"; </script>
2) in your menu, check if the variable has been set
<script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
if(typeof my_section != "undefined")
$(".menu_items").hide(); $("." + my_section).show();
</script> {/literal} Good luck with this,