NEW! eZ Publish Mailing Lists

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Jonathan Dillon-Hayes

Wednesday 09 February 2005 9:30:24 pm

Hello all...

As part of our effort to extend the eZ Publish community in the Americas, we're opening up a North American forum called I know, original name, eh?

I put a post about this up a couple of days ago, and now I'm posting again to announce that the mailing lists are ready. I've just finished configuring Mailman to run two new lists for the eZ Community. They are ezusers, and ezdeveloper (both at

eZDeveloper is intented to be a little bit more hard core and code related. eZUsers is for the vast majority of eZ users, who need help with things like templating, installation, etc.

Please, subscribe!

Or for the developer list:

These lists are completely private, and not used for marketin purposes, etc. In fact, I should probably state that -- this is for NON-commercial purposes ONLY, and advertising or spamming will get you booted without questions.

Have a good one!


FireBright provides advanced eZ deployment with root access

kracker (the)

Wednesday 09 February 2005 10:02:36 pm

Go Go Gadget ...

Mailing Lists ;) Congratulations on the new mailing lists, I look forward to seeing many of on the list and some great email conversations about all things eZ publish.


I'll be giving out free webmail accounts to the first 7 people who ask on new lists :)

[ezc] kracker, while playing counter strike : source

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Jonathan Dillon-Hayes

Wednesday 09 February 2005 10:10:24 pm

Hehe, that's hilarious. I think I have at least that many subscriptions to give away.

I'll SECOND that offer!


FireBright provides advanced eZ deployment with root access


Thursday 10 February 2005 9:24:04 am

Why do you guys come up with something that is already there?

I have 844 items already from that public list since OKT 2004.

I think you should try to create something new rather then something existing.

My suggestion is try to bring up something other then Forums and Mailing lists...

If you a missing a certain feature you should try should place it here

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kracker (the)

Friday 11 February 2005 12:20:44 am

But, Björn!

Can't you see? We, are not coming "... up with something that is already there?".

We are however doing new exciting things never done before :) see? it's fun. For whatever it's worth or where ever it goes, the warm fuzzies are definitely worth the dirty looks from the crowd, me? I feed off both sides of the line ;)

<i>Read the description</i> from the link you provided:

From the above link: <i>The svn commit messages have been moved to the list The public-sdk list will from now on be used for development discussions only.</i>

The lists you say we are copying or duplicating, ripping off are for eZ publish developers and svn commit messages. In other words, for the people writing, refining and expanding eZ publish, people with commit access to the repository.

I'm figuring the members of the public-sdk list are some of the most knowledgeable eZ publish developers who are paid to work on eZ publish for a living, who are there working on eZ publish development, not providing support for eZ publish users or developers just starting to try to get a grasp on using eZ publish.

<b>eZUsers</b> : Aimed at the vast majority of eZ publish users, who need help with things like templating, installation, etc.

<b>eZDevelopers</b> : Aimed at developers of all shapes and sizes, who are going beyond the default install of eZ publish. More than simple customization, it is intended to be a little bit more hard core and code related

<b>Please, subscribe!</b>

It's sad that you don't really understand the motivation behind people like us who see things just like you, only just a little different.

I mean if I was to turn the question back around to you Björn. You were one of the first to really commit a lot of code to pubsvn and post the contributions without packages just links to the repositories. Some could have said that you were duplicating efforts by not using the contributions directly (some did, not me :), still they would be guilty of not understanding you and the reasons to why it was so smart to do what you were doing the way you were doing.

Björn, we need smart people with advanced experience in all things eZ publish, to chime in with hints from your experiences as you have time, on topics where some of us are lost, need a hint, as we look for that one tidbit of information we are missing and desperately need to be able to pull ourselves up from crawling on the ground and get us running on our own in the right direction. You should join our little club ...

<b>Bottom Line</b>
Most f/oss projects have lots of very active mailing lists, forums, web sites, user group sites and more from a lot of different sources. I'm continuing to open up the playing field to bring eZ publish solutions from existing users into the hands of brand new users, <i>it's a good thing</i>. Most open source projects have so much information available about their project that you only need to read other peoples posted information to find the answer you couldn't figure out on your own. Most people rely on the availability of solutions discovered by others, when trying to use a project in their own work. If they can't find those answers on their own they will often go find a project that either works out of the box the way they want or has those answers available.

<b>Case in point</b>
A lot of people want to use eZ publish (<i>really bad</i>), but can't because they can't find the answers they need to do so. If they are anything like me (experience shows they are..) they can't afford to pay eZ systems for support just to have their questions answered or pay someone to help show them how they can achieve their goals.

Still, I think it's great that at least one person is willing to stand up and say something, so I sure hope you don't take it as all bad...I still think ya'll are cool'er than me, definitely smarter <grin>


Sage Francis : A Healthy Distrust : Escape Artist
Sage Francis : A Healthy Distrust : Sun vs. Moon
Sage Francis : A Healthy Distrust : Slow Down Gandhi

<b>"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi</b>

<i>When he reminds you of your future, remind him of the past ...</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||


Friday 11 February 2005 1:58:43 am

I did not want to discouraged. I guess you missed my hint. See I always try to simply things and make them more effective. The eZUser and eZDeveloper lists are of course different and should target different topics. My opinion is that we should have them. It is just a fact the those lists will get accepted better, if they are driven by eZ.

I also think there is a need to a independent community website, Paul B. did an approach into this direction ( something beyond code and API ) or the further development of the pubsvn, but eZ themselves came up with something similar. So he did actually waste his energy.

So if you come up with such approaches ( development of a indepentdent community ) gather some of core community and plan and sync together the work on such a project. The result should be something were everybody can agree upon. Some fair, accessible and open place ( open for modificaions ) with set rules.

Are of course planning on a localized german community, but the time is not there yet. At least we prepared some basis. The ideal would be, if this just a sub section of a larger international unit.

To get more specific, about my feedback:
1.) If you have the demand of having 2 additional mailing lists. Ask Ole to set them up. This should take like 30 min of his time.

2.) Consider the stuff I said above about doing something together with a larger scope.

3.) I don't think the choosen plattform is right. Start with eZ publish and code what you need.

4.) Encouraging me to join is a good thing, but this is not enough more are needed. Will you join the camp this year. Let us all sit down and lets take things in hand. All is of course those who are interested.

I want to encourage you to come up with success... and give feedback...


My quote:
Fight together, the enemy is THEM. - Björn Dieding :-)

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GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany

Gabriel Ambuehl

Friday 11 February 2005 2:18:48 am

Personally, I don't think fragmentation of the community is something desirable.

Maybe eZ could also be convinced to offer language specific forums? I think it would help if eZ were to finally add RSS streams for the forums. That would greatly ease reading them. Personally, I pretty much only more read RSS offering sites because it's simply so much faster. Some work on the forum layout would make them more attractive, as well. Personally, I think it's somewhat embarassing when an ezpublish community site isn't run on ezpublish. That somehow suggest ez isn't up to the task.


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