Friday 06 May 2005 2:25:29 pm
I'm considering using eZ publish, I like it a lot at first site, but I have some questions before I decide to use it... 1/PERFORMANCE_ What's up with all the performance issues? When talking about CMS's, eZpublish always get mentioned as one of the best, but its performance is always seen as a disadvantage. Is it really that slow? I only worked with Mambo in the past... Does anyone know how these two compare? Is eZ faster/slower than Mambo? 2/HOSTING_ Can you host an eZ site with any hosting company that supports PHP, MySQL,... Or are there any special requierements? 3/SIZE_ What's the size of a standard eZ install? I checked out my install, and saw that it was over 40MB?!? Huge! I have installed a news site, along with the sample multimedia files (asf, swf, mov,...). I guess this last option produces all those MB's... What's the size of an install without multimedia? Or, even better, what's the size of a small eZ site? I ask this because hosting starts at 50MB, and it would be a shame to use all just on your CMS.