Product Price Configuration

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Mihai007 Pop

Monday 12 June 2006 8:18:32 am

Hi...! I am trying to create the following scenario:

1. Create a product with a few options such as width, height, colour, glass type etc...
2. Set up a price definition to define the following : when user chooses width 600, colour bronze or white, glass clear, then the following price and image will apply.

Currently the system allows you to choose a different option and it will add the price to the base price. I want something that the user can choose from the options, and a different price would apply. It is not possible to add to the base price because my prices are imported from a pricelist set by my supplier. There is no increment factor in the price definition from my supplier. Hence I need to preset the prices into the system, and then allow the user to distinguish which price he/she wants by choosing from the options and then the system would apply the correct price.

Is this possible with the standard eZPublish? Or does one have to modify (add to) the code?

Thanks in advance!

Mihai007 Pop

Monday 09 July 2007 5:00:08 am

hmmm...! I am rather dissapointed with the response since January! This makes me think whether I should really make use of this framework! If it is such a difficult question, maybe the system requires quite a working to be able to do what I have asked for...!

It's sad because I think it has many other features to offer - just not the one I need. If there is a willing soul out there to try and help in my enquiry I would really appreciate it: make me believe again :)

Pascal Specht

Monday 09 July 2007 7:18:12 am

Hi Mihai,

First of all, don't give up, eZ Publish is pretty and powerful, when you accept some steep learning curves...

I don't believe you may just do what you need without programming.

What I would do is write a new extension, that is loaded before the shop's standard one. This extension should then specialize the product template, so that it would get the price through SQL from your database, depending on user interaction, and then update the price on the fly.
I think looking at how override\templates\full\product.tpl works, and starting from there in your own extension would be the way to go,
I don't think the standard framework can do what you want without programming.

Hope this helps,

Mihai007 Pop

Tuesday 10 July 2007 12:19:36 am

Pascal - I thank you for your reply! It will surely get me excited about eZP. I am going to follow up on your recomendation and will actually come back on this forum with the results.

I have a few questions though:

1. Can it be done with a datatype (I mean can a datatype be developed to do such a thing?) Something in the range of a price matrix.

2. Can it be done with a sub-product? By that I mean add more objects which may be detrimental to the size of the database.

3. Your advise....! Which I am still going to follow on...

I will give you an example which I have made long ago with eZP 2.9. The page resides at

By changing the option, the image changes and the price changes. In the admin, the product is created. Then I have added an extention to the module by allowing it to create a price definition as I call it. First I create some options. Then I create a price for a certain combination of the options. In the same time I assign an uploaded image to the definition.

This allows me to showcase the product as a general information, show galleries, and then instead of making the database too big, I simply create a price matrix for various option combinations.

I want to do something similar using the new framework. But am a bit stuck. Is there anything I can use off the shelf? Or a start-up? I was thinking that the datatype could arrange for something similar to happen. I want to point out that I had to change the basket feature to allow for the price to be added into the basket.

Best regards...

Quote: "There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who can read binary, and those who can't"

Pascal Specht

Tuesday 10 July 2007 2:42:52 am

Hi Mihai,

I'm not familiar with older versions of eZ Publish, but since you already have done similar things, I guess you won't be lost in the water.

I have no more suggestions as how you should implement it exactly (left as an exercice to the reader, as they say)...

I don't think injecting a price table into the database would significally blow up the database, you will anyhow have to write a wrapper object that determines the right price depending on the user's input, won't you?


Mihai007 Pop

Tuesday 10 July 2007 5:29:34 am

Thanks Pascal - will see what I can find out!


Tuesday 10 July 2007 6:14:20 am

Hello Mihai007 Pop,

It is very good to hear from you again!

I noticed that your request for functionality sounds very much like another request from another I've seen in Open Funding.

This Open Funding Suggestion, 'Variations Datatype',

Open Funding is meant to be for EVERYONE!

We all certainly could use your support for the functionality you describe. Why not support this Open Funding Suggestion as well? Consider commenting on this suggestion and possibly funding the development of this functionality to make it available to all the users of eZ Publish!

I'm pointing out that the entire concept needs to be discovered by more people in order to become more mature. It's a fantastic model IF everybody understands how it works AND in fact helps build the suggested project solutions. Traffic and attention is key!


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eZ debug

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