Registers not getting verification email

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theodore myles

Saturday 06 November 2004 9:24:16 pm

Almost there...

I using the latest version of Ez Pub.. My problem is that the people go through the registration receive a sucessful message and not receive the verification email that is promised. I use apple mail instead of Send mail, I'm able to get a verifcation mail if I register as an alias, mail comes every time. I've used email address out side of my server. I removed CRAM MD5 PLAIN and LOGIN authentication.

The path that I insserted the under [Mail Settings] settings/override/site.ini.append.php

I've noticed that there is an site_admin site.ini.append.php file that I did not put the email address..
siteaccess/mysite_admin site.ini.append.php
question: should the site_admin in the path / ezpub/settings/siteaccess/my_admin/site.ini.append.php have the email address
at the bottom where it indicates
EmailSender=I don't know because I just found it blank. ??????

These are time you wished you didn't stop smoking.... :)


Balazs Halasy

Sunday 07 November 2004 3:11:34 pm


I would suggest to try the following:

Forget about sendmail/applemail/bananamail/whatever. Set up eZ publish so that it makes use of an SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) relay server instead. The problem with your setup is that eZ publish is not able to deliver any mail because most likely it is misconfigured (it is trying to use sendmail but sendmail is not present or the mail daemon you're running is not 100% sendmail compatible). Try adding the following lines to the /settings/override/site.ini.append.php file:

Transport=SMTP or

If you don't know the address of your SMTP server: look it up in the mail application that you're using (look for "outgoing mail server") or call your system administrator. Use the user/password settings only if your SMTP server requires authentication.

Clear all caches and try again.. should work.. :-)

Good luck!


theodore myles

Sunday 07 November 2004 8:19:09 pm

replying to Balazs

I did all the things you mentioned in your email. but first I removed a entry I inserted yesterday in the
settings/siteaccess/mysite_admin / site.ini.append.php where I put the email address in.

there another file there that has a [MailSettings} with my admin email but missing the TransPort= file as well where I put my email address.

If i remove that file nothing I can't send myself a registeration.

I made the changes you recommended, this time as I set up a registration an used a amail address outside of my server. I did not receive a confirmation email. I'm not sure what is the problem.

I also removed the auth, and CRAM MD 5.. then I can send a mail via the server outside again, did not return confirmation, however I can get it to work if I send it to an email inside an account on the server. Example:

I just tried and accomplished a registration that came immediately to the email address, the only kicker is that is on the same ip address, so its sending to itself but not outside of the server.

In the configure Host settings for allowing SMTP relay for only host in the list.. I have and the IP address.

Sorry for the long email but this has been a long couple days over and issue that is :0

Any suggestions --- I hope I have not confused the issue.

I don't know if the limited relay is to blame.

Thanks for replying. It means a lot!!!!!


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