Wednesday 27 April 2005 5:50:40 am
Second time I have a same problem. When I editing a new articel and pressing publishing button from time to time the system crash. What does it mean "the system crash". I cann't open any page on administartion section, always I have one error Posible reason
The page cannpt be dispaled (20). Requested adress or modul cann't be found.
Adres zawiera literówkę. Spróbuj zmienić URL.
Nazwa modułu zawiera literówkę. Spróbuj zmienić URL.
Nie ma modułu <common_ini_settings> dostępnego na tej stronie. The site is using URL matching to determine which siteaccess to use, but the name of the siteaccess is missing from the URL. Try to add the name of the siteaccess, it should be specified before the name of the module Do you know what can be wrong?
regards Paweł