Friday 30 June 2006 12:02:51 pm
... and I meet her at the eZ summer camp! Just had to share this one with you folks. They made a song about us ;o) It's running on Norwegian television right now. I'm not sure if I recognize that gay with the glasses and the pocket pen protector, but I'm pretty sure I saw a video team in Ibsenhuset. And the band is Datarock: And for all you potential flamers out there, here's a reminder: "This is a forum for questions for eZ publish 3 that do not fit into any of the other categories." My first computer was a second hand Commodore VIC 20. And it cost me 1800 NOK. This was in 1982 and I was twelve years old and financed the investment cutting cod tongues and sell them. Once a common way for northern Norwegian school kids to earn money during the wintertime. And what a delicacy it is! The flesh so soft and tasty, it melts in your mouth. For a follow up on this discussion, listen to the song first, I propose these topics: WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST COMPUTER? HOW DID YOU FINANCE IT? <b>Thank you for a nice summer camp every one.</b> And a happy weekend to all of you!
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Dive it -Sail it - Blogg it - Its life!