smalltalk: what is CMS / list of cms / my 2 cents

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Christian Rößler

Tuesday 07 July 2009 1:30:41 am

Hey ez-Community,

I've been developing with ezPublish for over a year now and am still learning. I found the abstraction and separation of content and design perfect and unreached in the market of (e)cms. In short ezPublish is pretty cool and complicated ;)

Today i scanned my rss-reader and found an article of 'promising php cms...':

I am ALWAYS shocked when i see blog-systems like wordpress/joomla be listed as an CMS.

For me a CMS is a Content Management System. Its purpose is to manage content. Not more, not less. Manage Content means to manage text - not its representation.

Wikipedia about cms:

A CMS is a system for managing content and providing it in various formats.

What joomla, wordpress + co. do is simply storing the wysiwyg-output of an ordinary editor (or worse) in a database and wrap some kind of (more or less intelligent) plugin-system and user-management around it. Ah, and don't forget the shiny surface.

Don't get me wrong, joomla and others are nice - but not more - they don't deserve the name *cms by definition and all the article-writers out there should be aware of it.

Compared to eZPublish's level of content-layout-representation-separation they become all nuts if they want to publish their content on multiple end-user-devices. Have you (articlewriters) ever tried to (somehow) display joomla's content in a browser, iphone and a flex-UI simultaneously? It is not gonna working, as the devices have to manage to display those annoying html-markup which comes with the content ...
Using ezPublish lets you decide how and in what form to fetch the content. Let it be html for browsers, other type of html for iphone and other mobiles or even pure xml for some kind of external foo-applications.

What i wanted to say is that sometimes i really get pissed of of those faked/paid summary's of foo-cms' which is 'under the hood crap' and no one mentions ezPublish.
What also drives me crazy is, when customers want some features and are asking: 'but in joomla/wordpress this is so ... and it is done like this ... and that is done in another way ...' . Yea, great.

Just my 2 cents - i need to get a coffee now.

cheers, chris

Things said here do not represent the position of my employer. It is my personal opinion.

Hannover, Germany

Jozef Baum

Tuesday 07 July 2009 8:13:07 am

@ Christian:

I share your viewpoints about eZ Publish.

As opposed to many other content management systems, I see eZ Publish as having a solid foundation for content management, with an excellent websites content management system on top of it.

eZ Publish is one of the few content management systems which achieves a full separation between content and design, because no HTML is stored in the database, only crystal clear XML.

This not only allows for easy output in various formats, but also for easy integration with other applications.

It is the reason why at

they state that eZ Publish plays in another ligue than TYPO3.

Some content magagement systems offer no content structure at all, others offer a very rigid structure. eZ Publish offers an automated, yet very flexible solution.

Cori Roberts

Tuesday 07 July 2009 2:18:13 pm

I have to say that I agree with your sentiment about EZ being the best CMS out there and being COMPLICATED, lol.

If you search my forum posts I gripe about this a lot. I don't WANT the features from Joomla, Wordpress and Xoops, they ARE rigid (and I had an Xoops developer working with me on my site for a LONG time and I have to say he'd have been wowed by you all and we'd probably have been here a long time ago if I'd found this before) but I DO gripe about how unfriendly and unforgiving the community is on EZ. THAT is where the lesser CMSes have EZ beat.

I'll put it this way. You have the biggest most grand diamond in the world, but if you don't present it properly then, no one is going to care that you have it.

In all my having to switch between all the CMSes all the other community developers REALLY go out of the way to help noobies because they do not forget that all of us didn't know any of this at one time. So it's always broken down to new comers in the simplest form. I know a lot of developers here have their own projects to work on but I'll often see responses to more 'techical' questions answered here before help is offer in SIMPLE terms to someone just starting out. I fortunately don't mind pitching in around here, I figure if I'm going to be using EZ then I SHOULD pitch in, but I don't really know anything of true value yet.

So once again I post that some of you who've been here for ages and tout how much you LOVE this CMS need to learn a little to be more community friendly. Provide links and explain things in steps so that people who are NOT developers are able to come here and get their sites up and running. The more non-commercial sites that use this CMS, the more exposure EZ will gain. This trickles down into more work for all the developers and is good all around. Right now, all we have is the worlds biggest diamond and no one cares that we have it because it's too hard to get to and no one knows it's here.

Jozef Baum

Tuesday 07 July 2009 3:24:42 pm

@ Cori:

I wouldn't call eZ Publish a complicated system, rather a sophisticated system, which inherently has some complexity, requiring a corresponding time investment for education.

eZ Publish has a sound architecture, opening the way for whatever development you will need in the future. It has the advantage of, besides as open source, also being distributed with commercial licences who are expensive enough to not allow for the delivery of bad quality. It has so many features out of the box, instead of having to implement often poorly written extensions by amateurs, as it is the case for so many other content management systems. In short, once you start using eZ Publish, you know you will never again have to convert to another CMS.

I don't feel that the community would be unfriendly or unforgiving. On the contrary, members of the eZ crew, as well as other community members, do everything they can to help us here.

I have worked for many years as a first line manager at the IT department of a large bank.

I have provided support on the phone and in person. As opposed to a forum, this way of providing support offered the advantage that I could first quickly ask a few questions in order to be aware of the knowledge level of the user. Yet even then, I sometimes made a wrong assumption. If I had estimated the previous knowledge of the user to high, he told me that he didn't understand my explanations, so I knew that I had to start off from a lower level. If I had estimated the previous knowledge of the user to low, he told me that I should not consider him as a newbie, so I knew I could talk with him on a higher level.

I have worked with developers. They like development. But they dislike testing. Having them write documentation was near to impossible. And having them right pedagogical documentation was almost always impossible.

In many postings on this forum, people complain about the lack of any good documentation to learn eZ Publish. The eZ Systems crew is not unfriendly, they are open for criticism, and they answer in a friendly way to it. They are aware of this problem, and they admit it. And they are really working on it. They have recently hired a doc writer, but of course, the guy will need some time before he can publish the results of his efforts. And around October, a new book about eZ Publish will be published. So the future is bright.

If, because of the steep learning curve and the current lack of good documentation to learn eZ Publish, you want to drop the diamond you state eZ Publish is, then please be honest, and don't compare it to midrange content management systems like Joomla and Wordpress.

If so, be honest, and compare eZ Publish with the other CMS which is considered as an enterprise level CMS: TYPO3.

This system offers you a quick tutorial in its version 3.8 (whereas the current stable version is 4.2.8), but you will need Internet Explorer 6.0 (no later version), otherwise the richt text editor will not work.

Crawl through the documentation written by Kasper, a rahter excentric personality, to find out about the template language, which is only a configuration language, as opposed to the full fledged template programming language of eZ Publish.

Don't look for any way to structure data content objects, as you will have to do this yourself.

Use extensions for whatever functionality you need. They are mostly in alpha or beta stage, or if you are lucky, in a 0.x version, and their quality is extremely heterogeneous.

At the end, you will still have a system storing html in the database, instead of clear XML, like eZ Publish, And you will still have a system which, as opposed to eZ Publish, will require very much time to learn the editors about how to work with it.

And last but not least: realize that TYPO3 versions 5.x will make a complete break with previous versions. This is what happens to software which has not a sound foundation like eZ Publish, but which, over time, due to a clear vision from the start, has become a spaghetti.

Cori Roberts

Tuesday 07 July 2009 5:01:42 pm

LOL Josef,

You just proved my point actually. When I use the term unfriendly I'm not speaking specifically to the team that has made this lovely CMS. I'm referring TO some of the devs that peruse this forum, much like yourself. The end of your post goes on about objects and the use of languages and templates, 'assuming' as you stated earlier in your post that I'd have some knowledge of these things. I do but not without extensively messing up my site terrible and having to start over.

Yes this is because of the poor documentation here, but also because a lot of people here in this community ARE developers and IT, and not customer service oriented. I once worked for a company doing Help Desk/IT and because I'm so good at customer service and explaining things to people at the most basic of levels (I've helped elderly set up websites and homenetworks with NO trouble) then they were willing to train me on what I DIDN'T know. Even some IT people are a little to technical minded for their own good. Regular Joe does not know what shell access is (I reference this because I had no idea what this was and no one would explain what it was, I even got someone that said go google it-Not a developer, I'm a writer, I want to get what I need and get back to work, not search google for tools, THAT would turn some people off and make them go BACK to Joomla)

You come off offended that I have an opinion about EZ publish and I'll try once again to be clear. I love EZ publish, and the other CMSes in their functionality and what they allow you to do, do NOT compare, HOWEVER, your reaction to what I said is the very thing, the very REASON why a lot of people are not FLOCKING here. The team developing EZ publish more than has their hands full. A lot of you have become partners but do not often share what you know in SIMPLE terms. It is up to us to help grow the community, which is why they have forums in the first place. We can tell them to add features all day long but if there is no one here to test them..really test them other than other developers then what's the point in adding them?

If I didn't like it here I'd have left long ago, but what I see here is the potential in what this could become and I'd like to play a part in that. There is nothing wrong with my voicing an opinion and I'm not JUST griping I'm willing to help. Not tell people, hey if you don't like it there's the door. Which is the message I got from what you said. I would hope that the team would take this as ANOTHER suggestion that would help them strengthen other than telling someone if they don't agree with EZ then just go. That doesn't keep this CMS growing it turns people away and eventually closes a company. So would you rather I smile and say oh great job on everything and it not be true?

And btw, thanks to Lukasz who does put up with my incessant ramblings and answers me when he can via email. I DO appreciate all the help greatly. Even if it is complicated sometimes he does try to slow it down for me. :)

Christian Rößler

Wednesday 08 July 2009 1:35:05 am

Good morning,

wow, what have i done? Simply writing frustrations off my soul started a nice thread.
Thanks for sharing your opinions!

First: calm down. Be nice, we are all in the same boat :)

Let's point it out:
- ezPublish is not (often) covered in cms-shootouts
- ezPublish is ass-kicking great (separation content/layout - xml based)
- documentation is somehow weak
- beginners have to walk a tough road
- support by community members is highlevel, it-dedicated, not beginner orientated
- typo plays in some leagues below than ezpublish (this is good!)
- things mentioned above make ezPublish look awesome and complicated, thus it's not really suited for the web-blog-folks out there with their 'one-click-installation' and 'shiny surface but crappy core' systems...

I have to agree with all your points. The most significant <i>problem</i> (for me too) was to get a good starting point and documentation of how to get things done - in a noobish way.

This was - and is still a significant problem with eZPublish. On the one hand there is a good set of documentation available, on the other hand most of it is simply outdated (refers to 3.x) or covers not all aspects of what can be done. The best tips I found where in comments for the 3.x docs.

A lot of you have become partners but do not often share what you know in SIMPLE terms.

Second that. We live in a tough world, some fight to survive (financially), so getting the work done has highest priority. Supporting newbies in a nice/easy way here is coming too short. Shame on me too (sometimes). Perhaps a dedicated 'beginners' section has to be introduced. Explanations for beginners are very time-consuming and are also very detailed. And this takes time to write. As stated we really don't have the time so we're answering in a harsh way like 'rtfm' or 'activate the extension in the override' ... but it is not meant to be harsh.

The eZ Systems crew is not unfriendly, they are open for criticism, and they answer in a friendly way to it.

Second that too. Whenever i had contact with ez(system)crew, there was a warm, friendly and very professional atmosphere. Professional enough to frighten away beginners ?!? Perhaps, somehow, sometimes ...

Let me state something. I never wanted to compare ez to joomla. I was only very disappointed by a lot articles written by 3rd party's stating <CMS NAME HERE> is a 'promising' cms - and ez is never mentioned.
Of course there are 'enterprise cms', 'web cms' and things that don't deserve the name cms at all. But comparing apples and bananas doesn't make sense.
But those articles will make it into the it-department where a noobish guy reads the cms-shootout with some nice graphics, screenshots and investment-graphs. So he/she decides to use <CMS NAME HERE> as their business-orientated platform. This will fail and they never ever heard of ezPublish. Sad.

The team developing EZ publish more than has their hands full.

Yep, correct. Getting Project V done :-)
So it's more on us to spread the word on ezPublish, improve documentation, help noobs to get their system up and running. Let's create a dedicated beginners section. Let's write good, detailed, up-to-date beginner howto's. Let's set up more non-commercial sites using ezPublish, link to each other to gain a significant value in search engines when it-decision-makers are searching for 'cms'...

Thanks for this great discussion. I enjoyed your thoughts. Perhaps this will turn in results soon.


Hannover, Germany

Bård Farstad

Wednesday 08 July 2009 6:13:27 am

Chris, Cory, Jozef,

Thank you. This is a good thread. I agree on many of the points you state here.

Could I challenge you guys to collaborate on writing a small getting started guide to eZ Publish for a new community members? How to get started and how to grasp the abstract concepts we have introduced in eZ Publish that makes the power of the system.




Jozef Baum

Wednesday 08 July 2009 1:32:56 pm

Cori Roberts wrote:
"Regular Joe does not know what shell access is
Not tell people, hey if you don't like it there's the door."

Suppose after some weeks, regular Joe has managed to surf to another website than MSN with the Internet Explorer that came with his brand new PC. Now he has a big project: "My first family home page in 10 minutes". He comes here to ask where he can find the "shell access" in its Windows Vista Home edition, as he doesn't find it between the games. And if his posting is not answered after 10 minutes, he posts a second message with "Nobody?" as content.

I will not tell him where the door is. I will kindly post a link to one of the many websites about Unix for dummies.

And I will tell him that, right now, eZ Publish may be somewhat sophisticated for his project, and requires somewhat more time and effort to get familiar with than Notepad.

But to me, this does not seem to be the place where we should explain what a keyboard, a display screen, a file, a directory, or a shell is.

It's the same as when regular Joe asks his butcher for a knive to cut the meat the butcher sells: the butcher will also send him to another store.

Christian Rößler

Thursday 09 July 2009 2:05:12 am


I'm definitely on it. I always wanted to write some kind of ez-article - but never had a specific idea nor the time. I have holidays the 3rd week of july, so this will be the major time frame for writing the article.

Can you give me some guidelines or topics you definitely want to see in it?

Feel free to contact me personally if required - or anyone else wishing to see some topic covered...

christian [AT]

Hannover, Germany

André R.

Thursday 09 July 2009 2:08:53 am

I don't think Cori talked about the Joe's in that sense, but somewhat technical people that would like to set-up a small web page.

Yes, eZ Publish might not be suitable from them, and we should maybe add an what is eZ Publish and what knowledge is required from you to take full advantage of it?

And yes, we do have an job to do when it comes to:
1. update the documentation for 4.0 to include new stuff in 4.1 and other undocumented stuff
2. Write an ultimate getting started guide for 4.x , maybe two versions of it, one for developers (could be based on the one from the old doc page) and one for regular technical users on how to get started creating content with the solution as is out of the box.
3. Continuously improve api documentation (already being done, but this will be incremental)

As for #2, I would also like to propose or challenge you all to be part of that, I think it is a good idea that the community who look at our product with different eyes then us is part of this. And is able to collaborate on it.

So head over to all of you.. :)

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

kracker (the)

Thursday 09 July 2009 2:28:23 am


We know that many people do not care for the aesthetics of

But still we offer up and encourage all users use eZpedia as better place
(than forum threads) for normal people to create and store user contributed
documentation (large pages or small snippets, we also offer eZ online editor).

It's very simple to create a new article on about any topic.
Later if you decide to also publish the content into the
svn repository this is not a problem, writing any time you want or need to
quickly and effectively is a good feature of eZpedia.


Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

André R.

Thursday 09 July 2009 2:42:13 am

kracker: is not a doc page, but a project to coordinate those that want to contribute to / discuss the various doc pages (ezpedia,, articles, and future FAQ section).
Last time I checked, ezpedia did not have anything for that.

When it comes to the aesthetics of the ezpedia, the only thing I personally miss is a (categorization) structure so one can browse the pages there, in cases your not sure not sure what to search for or just want to see if there is something you want to learn or read up on.

I'll stop hijacking this thread now, if someone wants to discuss , do it on the project page's forum ;)

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE


Thursday 09 July 2009 3:56:25 am


If you are looking for a single web page of all content on
then you want this url [1] which provides a single list of all articles
on (on ez, and from this view you can quickly add a new article
when logged in before visiting the page),

[1] <i></i>

When I want to see all the content on
I go to [1] directly and marvel at all the content
contributed over the past 4 years of the project.

I am excited to see others with an interest take
part (more and more) in creating better
documentation for all eZ Publish Users.


Brookins Consulting |
Certified |
Solutions |
eZpedia community documentation project |

Jean-Luc Nguyen

Thursday 09 July 2009 8:44:59 am

When I saw Symphony CMS, I thought they were wrong, as SymFony is a framework first. But then I saw that they really created a CMS called SymPHony... I wonder why they chose that name... My 2 cents.

Jozef Baum

Thursday 09 July 2009 3:31:32 pm

I don't think Cori talked about the Joe's in that sense, but somewhat technical people that would like to set-up a small web page." - André R.

I know I extrapolated to make my point clearer, André.

My point was that software is about layers. On a web server, there is the operating system. Then there is the software layer of Apache, PHP, MySQL, ImageMagick, and so on. And then there is the software layer like eZ Publish.

According to me, these layers should also be maintained with respect to documentation. This site is about eZ Publish. The people who wrote the technical manual have already been so kind to put links to the various web technologies eZ Publish uses in the installation requirements. And the people who developed the setup wizzard have been so kind to propose a solution for each problem with the server configuration.

If eZ Publish would use a very exotic feature of Unix, I could agree with explaining it here. But not if it's about something so basic as shell access.

To me, the biggest benefit of the web seems to be that it is about hypertext. Hypertext reduces the link between information in Norway and 20.000 km away from Norway to one simple mouse click. So there is no advantage in replicating the same information on several sites.

Jozef Baum

Thursday 09 July 2009 3:47:36 pm

@ Bård:

Thank you for the challenge. I have taken some time to think about it.

Firstly, it's a chicken and egg problem.

At present, I don't know enough about eZ Publish in order to write a getting started guide, as this is exactly what I need now.

I am taking notes for myself.

Notes with a clearer structure than the technical manual, and somewhat more British than Norwegian English, which are easier to lookup something.

Logging the problems I encounter, the solutions I have found, where I have found them, the questions I remain with (as I already said, the technical manual is not suited to learn eZ Publish, it's a big puzzle to solve).

Secondly, if you go to the opera, not many people are singing there, most are listening. I have to admit that, at present, with eZ Publish, I have a tendency to rather belong to the latter. Which doesn't mean that, once I am sure that I know eZ Publish sufficiently to be able to give correct advise on it, I will not help newcomers on this forum.

Wei Dai

Friday 10 July 2009 5:51:35 am

Switch to another CMS? Um... what about Drupal?

I have worked on eZ Publish also for more than one year now, and recently got certified (I am really glad)! I must say I love eZ Publish very much, cause some many features it provides out of the box; and the code base is really strong.

I think I am get used to the eZ Way. I had chance to write document for new trainees in our company; but my product manages and others told me that, it is too "theoretical" !!!

What the heck, I think if you don't first get the concept right, how do you make sure you have the correct design/architecture for the project. I have so many times to change the content model and content structure at just before move the site to production!

But anyway, as I say, we need some step-by-step guide to help new comers to practice. If you know the abstracts, don't have real experience, then it is also a big problem!

P.S. Um... If eZ Publish can have "attribute level permissions" and adapt the "block and zone in eZ Flow" into the default core support, maybe I will not think about switch to Drupal so much. :)

Certified eZ Publish 4 developer looking for develop information & collaboration.

Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.

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