Nathan Sharp
Wednesday 23 March 2005 7:07:25 pm
Perhaps I am confused also. I do run the cron job every 15 minutes, but the whole point of the digest format is that it only goes out once per day. How can I force it to go out now, even though it would normally wait until tonight so that I can debug it?
Petr Mifek
Tuesday 24 July 2007 2:09:24 am
That works, but at least as of 3.9.x, you can't set 0 - this won't work. You must use ie. "1". See kernel/classes/notification/eznotificationcollectionitem.php:
function fetchByDate( $date )
return eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList( eZNotificationCollectionItem::definition(),
null, array( 'send_date' => array( '<', $date ),
'send_date' => array( '!=', 0 ) ) , null,null,
true );