Guillaume Macaire
Friday 10 December 2010 3:21:58 am
Hello, I think I'm having problems with translations on an ezpublish 4.1.3 installation. Some strings aren't correctly displayed/translated. The problem can be seen in the admin interface, and when running cli scripts. For example :
sudo -u www-data php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all --purge Purging : Cache d'affichage de contenu|, Cache Global INI, Cache INI, Cache codepage, Cache des identifiants de classes, Cache des clés de classement, Cache des alias d'URL/, Cacher de transformation des caractères, Alias d'image, Cache des templates, Cache des template block-, Cache des templates override, [Text to imege ceche], Cache RSS\, Cache de informations personnelles des utilisateurs|, [Content tree menoo (brooser ceche)], [Stete leemeeteteeons ceche] I double-checked unix permissions, autoloads and cache but the problem is still there ... Did you ever faced this kind of behavior. Can it be linked to a particular PHP configuration ? Guillaume