Monday 20 March 2006 9:25:18 am
While trying to output Xml_Block as a javascript value I found this issue: code: $image.data_map.caption.content.input.input_xml|nl2br()|trim()
Output 1 (How I need it): Sentance 1..<br />Sentance 2..<br /><br />
Output 2: Sentance 1..<br />
Sentance 2..<br /><br />
Same server, same ez install, just differnet site access.
Output 1 is from my dev siteaccess with most debug settings turned on and cache turned off. I have cleared cache multiple times now, both in admin interface and by deleting cache folders.
ez: 3.7.4 php: 4.4.2
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE