Thursday 26 February 2009 6:22:56 am
When I try to load an image of the ones available at (e.g. policlinico.JPG) in any standard image datatype attribute, such image is not uploaded in var/ezwebin_site/storage/mages (and consequently not shown in by the template). The ez error log doesn't provide any error or warning. EzPublish behaves as if I did not specify any image to be uploaded. The problem only occurs with ezPublish 4.0.1 and later (currently, up to 4.0.3) but <i>not in ezPublibish 4.0.0</i>, and seems to be related to the code inside lib/ezimage/classes, but I can't individuate the cause. I cannot figure out what is so "special" in those images, apart the fact that they have been taken with the same camera. It is not a problem of file size, since I succefully uploaded larger images with same resolution. Maybe it is a matter of uncorrectly encoded Exif infomartion.