Tuesday 27 January 2004 2:10:17 pm
During installs up to 3.2 I would change my directory names to match my site name. ie. if I selected a plain design and named it foo with an admin site of foo_admin I would also rename the design directory foo, and the car directory foo. I would then make the appropriate changes in the ini files to point to these directories. In my opinion this is something the ezpubliish setup should have done anyway but it was a nusance I was willing to live with. In the newest version this creates some new problems. The look and feel settings for site designs now tie information in the database to a specific var directory. It can no longer all be controlled from the ini. I was able to fix my site problems by reuploading images in the look and feel section so the database new where they were but my problem is the admin section. The images for classes, look and feel, cache, and url translator are all tied to the var directory for the site at the time it was created and there does not appear to be any way to change those values without hacking the database. Please let me know if I am missing something. Is there an admin look and feel control somewhere? Thanks.
working at www.wardnet.com
blogging at www.jamesward.ca