Tuesday 19 September 2006 10:31:50 am
Hello Radek Unfortunately it looks like I cannot help you there. I have tried the default Polish translation with EZ 3.8.3 and it looks ok. I am also not sure what you mean by tipafriend extension. As far as I know the tipafriend functionality is not an extension but built into EZ which cannot be disabled (although you certainly can deny access to it, it is still there).
Try whether the same occurs using eg French or another well translated language. If yes, there are most likely some templates which you extension provides overrides for and these templates are faulty. So have a look at these templates (if there are any) in the folder of your extension and check the places where i18n is used. If the problem is restricted to Polish I am stumped - you might try a different translation file (either from an older ez version por from the contributions. Apart from that I have no idea what to do... Good luck with debugging Claudia