ez 4 install: Error 500

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Marco Zinn

Wednesday 02 January 2008 10:54:06 am

after quite a lot ez 3 installations, this is my first attempt to install ez4+ezFlow.

In run into an Error 500, while waiting for the setup wizard to install the site.
From the files system, i see, that there is a directory for the user siteaccess in /settings/siteaccess/<usersiteaccessname>. There, i see the site.ini.append, but this does not seem to be complete, it's just 10 lines long, no DB connection data are in the file.
The directory for the admin siteaccess is missing completly.

How can i get more debug output from PHP or my server?
Last entries in storage.log seem fine; no entries in ez's error.log.

Shared hosting. Default is PHP4. I added

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

to the .htaccess file, which seems to work fine (output with phpinfo)

I had constant trouble with the php_value directories (Error 500...) in .htaccess, so i moved them to php.ini


PHP Version 5.2.4, MySQL 5.0, i chose "MySQL" in the Setup Wizard (not "enhanced" or whatever that was).
I can see approx 110 tables in the DB with approx 4 MB data in them.

Any hints are appreciated.


Volodimir Bezkostnij

Thursday 03 January 2008 2:21:41 am

Hi, Marco Zinn
What access method did you use ?
Did you use .htaccess file ?

Marco Zinn

Thursday 03 January 2008 4:15:42 am

yes, i used the .htaccess file from ez4 and added the two lines, so that the php files will be handled by php5.
I choose URL based access.


Marco Zinn

Monday 07 January 2008 2:57:18 pm

I don't get much further here with this installation.

What i found out:
- I can install a plain site with the wizard. The Admin site works fine then, while in der use site, the path to 2 CSS files are incomplete, but i reported this bug for 3.9 earlier. So, THIS works.
- I can NOT install the ezwebin or the ezflow sites
- I can import all packages of the sites
- I can install the site's extension during the installation wizard
- But at some point in installation the webin or ezflow Site, i get an Error 500 and cannot get any further. I guess, this is somewhere while running the install PHP scripts of the extensions
- I can install the site's class definitions from a ezflow package, after i did an installation with "plain" and importing the packages with the install wizard

- While i try to generate the extension's autoload configuration from the admin GUI -> Extensions, ez Crashes, no matter which extensions are active! "Fatal error: Class 'ezcFile' not found in /BLABLA/htdocs/lib/ezutils/classes/ezautoloadgenerator.php on line 283". ezComponents are not installed.

I'd like to try to install the ezflow SITE after installing with "plain". I think, just importing and installing all Packages for ezflow SITE does not work (is not sufficient) but i dont see a way to run the ezflow package PHP scripts. I don't have Shell access.

Any clues?


Egil Fujikawa Nes

Monday 07 January 2008 4:56:06 pm

Hello Marco,

To me it sound like you are trying to install eZ Publish 4 into a PHP4 environment. You wrote that the shared hosting provider offer PHP4 by default, I would recommend to run a phpinfo() to confirm that your override to PHP5 actually are working.

We been experiencing similar problems during sandbox testing of eZ Publish 4 on PHP4.

Since eZ Publish 4 start to utilise eZ Component libraries, a PHP4 environment will fail on the autoloading of your eZ Component classes and eventually output all strange type of errors.

The ezcFile::findRecursive function that gives you an error are used to generating autoload arrays for eZ Publish. The class can handle classes from the kernel and extensions according to the header of ezautoloadgenerator.php. This makes sense since your experience problems with loading extensions.

This is just some of my ideas about where to search for errors.

Good luck with your project :)

Best regards
Egil Fujikawa Nes

Try out Free eZ Publish 4.0 Trial Hosting for 14 days:

High quality eZ Publish Hosting since 2001!

Marco Zinn

Tuesday 08 January 2008 2:44:10 pm


i tried some more trying to install ez4+ezflow and managed to get some more debug output.

The only 2 messages, that i find in my Logfile are 2 warning about not finding base.php. I guess, this is from ezComponent, which are not needed, when i stick to the standard extensions (says ez.no)

"08 Jan 2008 23:30:42","/BLABLA/htdocs/autoload.php: 24","(Warning) include(Base/src/base.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
"08 Jan 2008 23:30:42","/hBLABLA/htdocs/autoload.php: 24","(Warning) include() [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening 'Base/src/base.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php5')"

From the output, the general behaviour (not displaying parsing errors) and from PHPinfo, i'm sure, i have PHP 5.2.4.

Now, as this is a quite shared hosted environment, i think, i'm running out of script ressources, and then, Apache kills my PHP script (running as CGI) and gives me an error 500.
I tried to re-load the page several times (helped with limited ressources with ez3 earlier), but it does not work. I fear, that some part of the install script simple takes to much CPU ressources.
I can see, that i have 110 tables in MySQL with ezflow, as opposed to 108 with a plain installation. Also, the tables seem to have some good demo data, e.g. a class called "flash_recorder".

Now, my idea is to do a plain installation (which works) and install the ezflow packages manually afterwards through the admin interface and/or my importing a mysql dump (for the DB data).
But: Can anyone tell me, what the PHP installation script of the "ezflow site" package actually do? I will not be able to run them, so if they do something very important, i will need to mimic this manually.


Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 09 January 2008 1:57:35 am

Hi Marco

eZ Components IS a requirement for eZ Publish 4, see http://ez.no/ezpublish/requirements and http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/4_0/installation/normal_installation/requirements_for_doing_a_normal_installation for more information.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | http://blog.coomanskristof.be | http://ezpedia.org

Marco Zinn

Wednesday 09 January 2008 5:11:44 am

Hi Kristof,

hm, I feel, that the information about eZ Components being required is not consistent (and very confusing to me):
- The table "Required software" one page lists eZ Components (and PEAR) as required
- but the verbose documentation page says:
"When eZ Publish is installed, all class definitions of the eZ Publish kernel will have their paths listed in the "autoload/ezp_kernel.php" file. In addition, the "autoload/ezp_extension.php" file will contain an array of paths for class definitions that are a part of the extensions that come with eZ Publish. These arrays will most likely need to be updated in the future (for example, when you install new extensions or configure existing ones using the "Setup - Extensions" part of the administration interface). This requires eZ Components 2007.1.1 to be installed."

The 2nd paragraph lets me think, that i can install and use ez4 with the _bundled_ extensions (e.g. ezwebin, ezflow) _without_ eZ Components. I'm also very sure, that I have read exactly _this_ information on some ez4 download/requirements page earlier.

So, please, ez, can you please tell us, WHEN eZ Components need to be installed, and when there are not needed.

In other words: As eZ Components is not (yet) bundled with ez4... is the ez4 download package currently "incomplete", when i just want to use ezflow (or webin) ? I can't believe this is true. If eZ Components would be a requirements for ez4 with just bundled functionality, this would be quite a barrier: In the docs for Components, you recommend using PEAR through the command line, which is not possible for "simple hosting plans": Lots of users will not have Shell access. On the other hand, i do not find any documentation on how to install eZ Component for a new ez4 installation. Should one hack the index.php to include the include path and the autoload environment??


kracker (the)

Wednesday 09 January 2008 6:18:41 am

Dear Lord,

Excuse me for bringing this up again but ...

<i>Your in the wrong Marco</i> and if you don't realize it after all these years then well .. I certainly hope you hear the background elevator music playing now.

You got a lot of use out of that horrid shared hosting before 4.0 hit the scene but I have to tell you (and all the rest of your kind, ya heard me) ... I hope for a future which refuses reprieve in this regard with brute finality.

Stop using shared hosting not designed to support eZ Publish. Stop trying to avoid the requirements which are so clearly documented.

eZ Publish is changing. And you should change as well with it, or run the risk of well you know ...

This thread continues to be painful to avoid in it's continuance. The reality is your hosting is not suited for the purpose your seeking.

eZ Publish and eZ Components are distributed separately. I always understood this fact. eZ Publish should be run on a host which provides ssh access to the customer. I always understood this as fact.

Why must you persist in avoiding the soon to be unavoidable? To what end will you reach in this negative behavior?

Yes the documentation may not be as clear as you wish it to be, from your perspective, yet this probably will not resolve your own problems which still do surround your choice hosting (IMHO*)


<b>Chamillionaire - You Must Be Crazy ...</b>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Marco Zinn

Wednesday 09 January 2008 7:46:44 am

Hi all,

maybe i need to apologize for writing verbose messages here. But i guess, other users, that want to do test installations on their webspace will encounter the same problems.

I didn't have the time nor the need to follow all the development of eZ 4 (and eZ Components), so i took my information from the ez4 download&documentation pages.

From the documentation I read at the time, when i downloaded the eZ 4 package, including ezflow, i understood, that eZ Components are not required, when i just install the bundled stuff.
I read http://ez.no/developer/news/ez_publish_4_0_0_and_ez_flow_1_0_released :
eZ Components
Before you install or run extensions other than those provided with eZ Publish 4.0.0, you must install eZ Components. (In the future we will bundled eZ Components with eZ Publish for your convenience). Refer to the documentation for instructions on installing eZ Components using PEAR."
As ezflow <i>is</i> an extension "provided with eZ Publish 4.0.0", i thought, eZ Components are <i>not needed</i>.
Also the section on "eZ Publish 4 autoload generation" (still) makes me think, that a fresh installation of the ez4 package with ezflow should be possible without the Components.

Well, i just wanted to do a temporary test installation of ez4 (+ bundled ezflow) without buying ezPublish-specific hosting (yet).

That was the reason for my trial installation.
Now i'll wait until installation ez4 on a shared hosting (for testing) will become possible. At the moment, it seems to be impossible, as eZ Components are required, but not yet bundled with eZ 4.

Hm, i wonder, how absolute ez-newbies handle this, without buying eZ publish specific hosting immediatly...

CU again in some months, when the ez4+eZC bundle is released.


Marco Zinn

Thursday 24 January 2008 10:54:24 am

Just for everyone's information:
I set up a plain LAMP system, downloaded the eZ 4-package and was able to install it fine with the ezflow demo site..
It was NOT necessary to install eZ components or PEAR.


Betsy Gamrat

Tuesday 01 April 2008 6:14:30 pm

This is one approach to testing out the new version of eZ on a shared server, where the default version of PHP is 4, but 5 is available by extension.

I'm sure there are several different ways to do this, options probably vary by server configuration, and this method has not been thoroughly tested, but eZ is up and running.


I hope this is helpful.

With respect to kracker's mention of using properly configured hosting, I agree 100%. This idea is only for <b>testing</b>, in the event that the appropriate server resources are not available and you would like to experiment with eZ4.

Maxime Thomas

Tuesday 01 April 2008 11:00:18 pm

Hey Marco,

The first times I installed eZ4.0, I was not aware about the eZComponents requirement as described by Kristof.
However, it seems that you can install eZ4.0 without installing ezcomponents at the only condition you don't install other extension.
If you try, you will have a great ezcfile exception.
It means that if you want to design your own extensions you will have to install ezcomponents and pear....

Maxime Thomas
maxime.thomas@wascou.org | www.wascou.org | http://twitter.com/wascou

Company Blog : http://www.wascou.org/eng/Company/Blog
Technical Blog : http://share.ez.no/blogs/maxime-thomas

Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 02 April 2008 1:02:51 am


You are right, installing might work without eZ Components. However, you might get into the problem described here when enabling/disabling extensions. Also, there is the effect of enhancement http://issues.ez.no/11718 when eZ Components are not installed and so the autoload arrays can not be updated automatically, for ezflow for example. In this case, the fetch functions declared in these extensions will NOT work in each case as far as I can see, unless you update the autoload arrays by hand (reporting as an issue now:http://issues.ez.no/12787 ). The classes that ezwebin provides are currently by default in the autload file (although you might not be using it at all).

I also regret that PEAR is listed as requirement (here: http://ez.no/ezpublish/requirements), while it's not required at all. Neither eZ Publish or eZ Components require PEAR. PEAR is just a handy way to install eZ Components and to update it when new releases come out.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | http://blog.coomanskristof.be | http://ezpedia.org

Marco Zinn

Thursday 03 April 2008 10:46:43 am

Thank you both for you clarifications. I hope, this thread will give others some usefull information.
Kristof, we tried ezflow and it worked quite nice (except the streaming, which we didn't set up).


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eZ debug

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