Tuesday 21 November 2006 12:55:56 am
I'm running ezPublish 3.8.6 on the following setup of software:
- Windows 2003 64bit
- Apache 2.2.3
- MySql 5.0.27
- PHP 4.4.4 - ImageMagick 6.3.0-0-Q16 1) Is ezPublish 3.8.6 compatible with this setup of software? If not, what should be changed and why? 2) For some reason I am not able to run PHP as a module in apache (apache won't start), so I am running it as CGI. Does anyone have any thoughts on why?
3) Ezpublish resides under c:\apache\htdocs\ezpublish. If I set: DocumentRoot "C:/apache/htdocs" in httpd.conf (and also <Directory "C:/apache/htdocs">), I can access my web site by typing: http://www.mywebsite.com/ezpublish. If I change: DocumentRoot "C:/apache/htdocs/ezpublish" in httpd.conf (and also <Directory "C:/apache/htdocs/ezpublish">), and try to access my web site by typing: http://www.mywebsite.com, the page doesn't turn up right.
Apache error.log says:
...File does not exist: C:/apache/htdocs/ezpublish/ezpublish, referer: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ...client denied by server configuration: C:/apache/htdocs/ezpublish/javascript, referer: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Apache access.log says: "GET /ezpublish/design/standard/javascript/lib/ezjslibmousetracker.js HTTP/1.1" 404 261
Shouldn't it have been: "GET /design/standard/javascript/lib/ezjslibmousetracker.js HTTP/1.1" 404 261 ? Is this an ezPublish setup thing?
4) When accessing my site the URL in the broser says:
http://www.mysite.com/ezpublish/index.php?/mymainpage. For accessing the admin page I need to type: http://www.mysite.com/ezpublish/index.php?/mymainpage_admin. - How can I remove the "index.php?" part? 5) And last but not least: Does anyone have a "voodoo-script" that forces my ez setup to run under IIS6? ;-) Regards