Tuesday 15 January 2008 8:04:05 am
Hello, I've an existing ezPublish 3.9 plain_site installation, into which I'm integrating the frontside editing toolbar only as described by Andre R. in http://ez.no/developer/forum/install_configuration/install_website_interface Most things work as intented, except after clicking the preview button on the editing toolbar I see two frontend editing toolbars, once the expected version_view toolbar, but also the standard toolbar with the create-select box. My pagelayout.tpl looks like this:
<td class="bottom_center">
{$current_node_id = $module_result.node_id}
{include uri="design:parts/website_toolbar.tpl"}
<div class="content">{$module_result.content}</div>
The toolbar itself obviously notices when it is in editing mode and doesn't display website_toolbar.tpl included by pagelayout.tpl, and only displays website_toolbar_edit.tpl which is included by $module_result.content. However, when previewing, both website_toolbar.tpl as included by pagelayout.tpl itself and website_toolbar_preview.tpl included by $module_result.content are displayed. Can anyone tell me how to prevent the standard editing toolbar from showing up when previewing changes via the frontend toolbar?
Thanks in advance, Reinhard