Tuesday 08 March 2005 7:42:01 am
Gabriel, thanks for the reply. My questions fall into the following categories, requesting a comparison of your FreeBSD experiences with systems running eZ publish on Debian, or Redhat and Suse Linux. (Not in any order of priority)
1. Security
* FreeBSD rated the most secure OS, in part to its small market share and publicity article: http://www.mi2g.com/cgi/mi2g/press/feedback.php
2. _Uptime_
* The sites with top uptime all have FreeBSD or BSD/OS platforms
article: http://www.mi2g.net/cgi/mi2g/press/051104.php Netcraft stats: http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/today/top.avg.html
3. Compatibility with eZ publish forums reveal issues with FreeBSD; are they more or less frequent than with Linux, and how much trouble is it to fix the problems?
4. Support from eZ systems given the main emphasis on a Linux system, how much more expense is involved with obtained support or bug fixes to keep eZ publish running on FreeBSD OS. I can understand why a company may wish to focus on only one OS.
5. Availability and expense of FreeBSD experts * Though Netcraft states that FreeBSD sites number over 2 million, what is your experience in finding help?
6. Performance and Efficient use of hardware
(low hardware cost per unit of data transfer) (benchmarked eZpublish site speed equal to or better than linux on comparable box) 7. Lifecycle operating and maintenance costs 8. Headache factor (how much frustration relative to any other system)
9. Availability and total cost of clustered solutions * Can FreeBSD be used with many load-balancing and distributed solutions that work for Linux?