Sunday 18 May 2003 11:45:14 am
Demo actually overrides the Section 1 format. Indeed, my testing is in a directory which is a copy of the Demo structure. All that I have changed so far is override/templates/pagelayout_section_1.tpl. There is a news_list=fetch() to grab the news which have a parent_node_id (which I changed to the node_id of the News folder which I created). I see (by using $node.children|attribute(show) from the root Folder) that folder News has an Array with 2 items in it, yet no children, so I think an Article within a Folder does not have that Folder as a Parent -- I haven't found where such relationships are documented, and haven't tried creating news items as Folders within the News Folder because my Demo formatting vanished and I'm trying to figure out how to make it return. Indeed, until Demo's display vanished the attribute(show) which I was using in pagelayout_section_1.tpl were being displayed, so at that time I was indeed using that override template.