Tuesday 09 August 2005 4:44:29 am
Iv'e followed the guide all the way with no way in getting this to work. Iv'e even tried to degrade the eZ install to 3.6 with no hope. Now i got a feeling there is something wrong with the guide, or a serious bug in the software.
This is the steps ive done:
1) Installed eZ 3.6(3.6.1) windows installer.
2) Configured the site with the standard news setup.
3) unpacked and copies over Soap extension to the extension folder. (I did not enable the extension inside eZ admin)
4) Created a folder named override inside /settings/siteaccess/news and added a file named soap.ini.append.php inside with code from the guide.
5) Changed ezpublish.conf and .htaccess with the config from the guide, and restarted apache service. Also cleared cache fully inside eZ.
6) Configured phpEdit ez config. Rooth path to c:/ezpublish and soap url to http://localhost/soap/soapadmin or http://localhost/soap.php/soapadmin 7) Added admin user/pass and hit test... "The soap service is not functional....." If i restart phpEdit i get the msg "An error occured while accessing the ez publish web service. Message: "HTTP/1.1 404 not found". Sometimes the program crashes instant and quits at this msg.
Also posted at the waterproof support forum. http://www.waterproof.fr/support/viewtopic.php?t=1382
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Lillehammer University College
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