Kernel 50 and no plain or plain_admin folders

Author Message

Stuart DH

Wednesday 23 June 2004 3:09:49 pm

I managed to install eZ Publish on my webspace yesterday without any hitches.

Today, I wanted to install a second version to use with the tutorials but I'm getting the age-old problem of the Kernel 50 error and no site or site_admin files.

I've tried to install more than a dozen times to day and it's just not having it. I've had problems installing in the past and very occasionally I get lucky and it installs OK...but not today.

The kernel 50 is a simple fix by changing the site.ini in settings to ensure that the database info is set to the database rather than the nextgen info, but what can I do about the folders not being created?


Wednesday 23 June 2004 3:18:02 pm

error 50 means no db connection (only db connect issue)

It should install if you use the setup with your db data

if the demo packages are missing... just go ahead and delete the db


- insert the clean kernel
- apply demo packages from the admin interface

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Stuart DH

Wednesday 23 June 2004 3:40:38 pm

I've setup the db using cPanelX in my webspace with a new db and a user that's given all priveleges.

During installation I've CHMOD all required folders and put in the .htaccess for magic quotes and registered globals and I don't get any finetune error messages. During install I've entered exactly the same db info as in cPanelX and yet whether I choose any design without any extras, one or two extras or all of them, it still isn't working.

This is obviously a long-standing issue with the installer as there are several messages on this forum that bring up the subject.


Wednesday 23 June 2004 4:00:52 pm

Well I doubt that you are facing installer issues...

Has the server maybe high load? Or has Mysql troubles.

Here is one good tip.

Run the Setup with debugging on. What does it telly you?

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Stuart DH

Wednesday 23 June 2004 4:09:50 pm

How do I switch the debugging on?

I've also tried quite a few installs on my own PC, which is a P4 3GHz with 1GB of ram, and yet it still gives the same errors.


Wednesday 23 June 2004 4:12:10 pm

all the debuging options can be set in the settings/site.ini

do also turn on sqldebugoutput

always start from a fresh unzipped install

Please do not report to the bug report, unless you know this is a real bug.

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GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany

Stuart DH

Thursday 24 June 2004 12:51:01 am

I tried switching on all of the options in the debug section but I couldn't find sqldebugoutput.

Running the install with all the other options on doesn't give me any debug feedback at any stage so I've no idea why it still won't install.

I'd be happy enough for someone to login to my webspace to try and find the cause of the problem, as it seems to effect a lot of people who are new to eZ Publish.

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eZ debug

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